“Climate Change” is a Jewish Hoax!


Here’s an article I wrote as a summary of a “Global Warming Hoax” DVD back in May 2009…

I was reading Mein Kampf for the first time back then and I was only a “beginner” on the Jewish Problem…….

– BDL1983

It is very important that the general public knows the truth behind this ‘Global Warming’ or ‘Climate Change’ scare. It is not a real environmental issue, but a very real political issue with huge implications for everyone on this planet if our so-called governments ‘act’ on it. After recently viewing a ‘Sovereignty International Environmental Perspectives Inc.’ production entitled ‘Global Warming or Global Governance’ (including snippets from the ‘Great Global Warming Swindle’ documentary), it is obvious for the good of humanity, that the powerful Global Warming lobby needs to be dealt a political death blow. Otherwise we must welcome multi-national corporate global enslavement, and the death of all national sovereignty. Sounds bad, it is! Here’s why:

The essence of the problem is summed up well by Dr. Vincent Gray, an Expert IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a United Nations body) Reviewer, Climate Consultant for New Zealand. He States, “The IPCC is a political organisation, set up by the UN, to provide evidence to support the framework convention on Climate Change, it’s been signed by governments, it’s entirely political”. Furthermore, “They made up what they were going to do beforehand and then chose whatever science they could find which they thought might support it, that’s my view”. On the government policies formulated from UN/IPCC findings he states, “Now, this summary for policy makers isn’t a summary for policy makers at all, it’s a summary by policy makers, in other words, it is a summary agreed line by line by government representatives”. Dr. Gray hits the nail on the head with these statements. This sums up the political process used by the IPCC, but what about the climate science and the media portrayal of this issue?

The controlled mass-media loves dramatizing this issue. Most often their examples supposedly linked to man-made global warming show floods, hurricanes, droughts, fires etc. You name it, it’ll be on the TV screen, in the paper, or on the net. Drama, Fear, Catastrophe, we should be scared because it’s our fault, or is it? They fail to mention that history shows natural catastrophes are more regular and dramatic in colder periods, not warmer ones. Anyone willing to do the research will find examples of natures’ fury throughout all history and that there has been no abnormal increase in natural disasters, but why not blame global warming for the disasters we do get? Seems to make people agree with the loony carbon dioxide idea!

Ian Clark, Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Ottawa and director, G.G. Hatch Isotope Laboratories, one of Canada’s leading analytical facilities says, “In fact, there is no evidence of humans being the cause (of Climate Change), overwhelmingly it is the sun”. Even among IPCC reports they have not established greenhouse gasses as responsible for warming the earth.

Data and Consensus?

The misleading use of data is incredible. Al Gore is a liar who uses misleading graphs to convince uninformed crowds of his ‘inconvenient truth’, or should we say ‘convenient lie’! He shows two separate graphs asserting that the temperature graph follows the carbon dioxide graph, when in truth it is the carbon dioxide that follows temperature with about an 800 year lag. An important lesson in cause and effect, don’t you think Mr. Gore? Very hypocritical of Mr. Gore to preach to us to cut down on carbon emissions when in fact he uses seventeen times the energy of an average American! But he says he uses ‘green’ energy so it’s OK since the rich can afford it!

Al Gore LIAR!

The other piece of data these liars use is a discredited ‘hockey stick’ graph which shows temperature increases over the last thirty years or so. The ‘hockey stick’ data is contaminated by the Urban Heat Island effect as well as old unreliable measurements. Hot year 1998 is often thrown into the mix when discussing Global Warming and they conveniently forget that increased water vapour as a result of El Niño caused this one degree spike in temperatures. But it doesn’t end there; a look back thousands of years into earths’ history will reveal many warmer and cooler periods than today’s temperatures, and that the climatic conditions of today are nothing out of the ordinary.

And as for consensus? A 2003 Heartland Institute survey revealed 55.8% of scientists agree with the orthodox climate theory whilst 30% flatly disagreed. The reason for 55.8% agreeing is that without climate catastrophe, there is no government funding for them and they would have to look for a new job! To support this claim, John Christy, a Lead Author on the 2001 IPCC Report stated, “I was at the table with three Europeans having lunch and they were talking about their role as lead authors, they were talking about how they were trying to make the report so dramatic, that the US would have to sign up to the Kyoto Protocol”. This illustrates the attitude of those in the IPCC ‘agreeing’ with the Global Warming theory. Not to mention it was the same group of people pleading for funds by stoking up the ‘Global Cooling’ rubbish of the seventies!

Despite the fact that so-called ‘Climate Action’ groups are interested in getting carbon dioxide listed as an official pollutant, there have been many studies that reveal not only is carbon dioxide beneficial to plant life planet wide, but that carbon dioxide levels have been up to ten times more concentrated without any corresponding warming! Amazing! With more carbon dioxide, agriculture would thrive and world food production would soar. Climate scientist, Dr. Tim Patterson states, “Research has shown that an increase in carbon dioxide up to five times the current levels would not have a detrimental effect on earth’s biosphere”. Anyone ever wondered why we aren’t told of these remarkable studies? There are many studies and scientists that thoroughly agree with this statement but we wouldn’t know it!

And before anyone says that Global Warming ‘Sceptics’ are funded by oil companies (a small number of studies have been), it must be stated: if one side of this story is guilty of receiving loads of funding by those with vested interests, it is the Global Warming proponents! Government funding is how the entire ‘climate beast’ really built its’ industry.

More political implications…

Don Young, the Former Chairman, House Resources Committee states, “The environment is being used for a power struggle, used for centralised government, used to make a one-world government, and if you don’t think this is occurring, just see what’s happening in the US, this is an awakening call, that we are facing a battle against those who want to destroy a great United States of America”.

This statement should strike a chord with those aware of the UN’s position in global politics. They are an international body hell-bent on getting countries signed onto the Kyoto Protocol to relinquish their sovereignty, (through Cap & Trade/ Carbon Tax schemes) to this potential international ruler of nations. The ‘Climate Change’ issue illustrates clearly that the UN has an agenda to start with, then they send home delegates from member countries to implement their policies. But, above all this, Russia and China are not signed onto the Kyoto Protocol, so they can continue polluting regardless, making the efforts to cut emissions by those bounded by Kyoto, totally pointless anyway. The Kyoto Protocol is really about destroying the economies of the stronger more developed nations, and the environment is the excuse to do it!

The economic effects of ‘Climate Change’ legislation will be devastating. By its very nature it will crush small businesses, which won’t be able to cover the costs, allowing multi-nationals the monopolies they crave, wipe out the middle classes since only the rich will be able to afford commodities and the so-called ‘eco lifestyle’. We will be left with very rich aristocratic rulers and poverty for most of humanity, which equals enslavement.

As US Senator James Inhofe put it in 2007, “Offsets & credits are gimmicks used by the wealthy so they don’t have to change their lifestyles”.

Carroll Quigley, author of Tragedy and Hope, who, from within, had access to secretive world government conspiratorial documents and records said on page 324 of his book, “The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central bankers of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences”.

It is for these reasons people should be very weary of propaganda manufactured by certain exclusive clubs. Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission, UN, Club of Rome. The list continues but this is the truth of the ‘Climate Change’ story!


This diagram sums it up nicely!

– BDL1983

Aussie Odinists Behind Barbed Wire..


From The Odinic Rite of Australia.

Odinists come in many different sizes, shapes, and political allegiances. But this writer has never met one who believes that the power of the state should prevail over the rights of individuals. The call to the individual conscience that is one of the keystones of Odinist morality is tolerated, nowadays, in times of peace. But when the State, that “coldest of all cold monsters”, feels itself to be under threat, it is quick to turn on all free-thinkers – and Odinists are no exception.

Australia’s first prominent Odinist, Alexander Rud Mills (1885-1964) attended Melbourne University as a classmate of future Prime Minister Sir Robert Menzies. Mills became a solicitor and a poet, and his free-thinking nature was probably encouraged by his friendship with W.D. Cookes, the Director of the Rationalist Association of Australia. In the spirit of Odinist inquiry, he traveled with Sidney Webb to the Soviet Union, and was disgusted by Soviet collectivism and contempt for individuality. As his spiritual affinity with our ancestral religion grew, he published a series of books on the old religion. One of his earliest texts was Hael! Odin!, published in 1933 under the name Tasman Forth. From the same year came a discussion of the Christian ethic in politics called And Fear Shall be in the Way. Probably his best-known book was The Call of our Ancient Nordic Religion, which is still available in several libraries.

Rud Mills

By 1936 Mills was advocating the establishment of an Odinist church, the Anglecyn Church of Odin. He was recruiting converts to the old faith, and according to one historian, Barbara Winter (The Australia First Movement and the Publicist, 1936-1942, Glass House Books, 2005), by about 1934 “up to 120 members [i.e. Odinists] used to practice ‘the Ritual’ every Thursday evening and hold Odinist ceremonies on Mills’ land at Croydon”. The future of Australian Odinism looked assured. Then, with the onset of World War II, Australia itself looked to be threatened.

At the beginning of the war there were several possible attitudes that people might take. One was that Australia’s long-term security was bound up with the fate of the British Empire. This was the view of the Prime Minister, Mills’ old classmate, Sir Robert Menzies. On the 3rd of September 1939 Menzies broadcast that Australia was now a participant in a war he variously described as a “tragedy”, a “wanton crime”, and an “agony”. Some took a different attitude. The war in Europe didn’t affect Australia directly, and Australia’s armed forces might well be required to defend their homeland if Japan advanced southwards. The chief proponent of this isolationist position was the Australia First Movement, which urged that “Australia should look to its own interests without regard to the total allied strategy”. This movement was supported by the poet Ian Mudie, novelist Miles Franklin, Sir Thomas Gordon, Adela Pankhurst Walsh of the famous suffragette family, and the Women’s Guild of Empire. It was led by Percy Reginald Stephenson (1901-1965).

“Inky” Stephenson was a prominent man of letters. He had been taught Latin at Maryborough Boys’ Grammar School by Gordon Child, and gone on to study arts at the University of Queensland, where he became a close friend of the writer and future prominent communist, Jack Lindsay, and the famous grammarian Eric Partridge – and also became member number 45 of the Australian Communist Party (later denouncing communism as “only banditry disguised as a political philosophy”.) In 1924 he gained a Rhodes Scholarship, and after his studies at Oxford he became manager of the Franfrolico Press in 1927. Here he published authors like Aldous Huxley, Jack Lindsay, Hugh McCrae and Kenneth Slessor. He translated and published Nietzsche’s The Antichrist in 1929, and after moving to the Mandrake Press he published DH Lawrence’s paintings, the first English edition of Lady Chatterley’s Lover, and works by Aleister Crowley. On returning to Australia in 1932 he became managing director of the Australian Book Publishing Company, and brought out works by Norman Lindsay, Banjo Paterson, Henry Handel Richardson, Eleanor Dark, Randolph Hughes and Xavier Herbert.

Stephenson was no lightweight, and no disgruntled “outsider” figure. All his life he had advanced the careers of new, and particularly Australian, writers. It was probably inevitable that he would adopt the isolationist position with regard to the war in Europe. In September 1941, Stephenson launched the Australia First Movement.

At the outbreak of the war the Federal Government had passed a “National Security Act” giving the authorities sweeping powers to rule by regulation. In effect, Australia (like Britain under Churchill) had moved close to being a dictatorship.

By 1942 there were 6,780 people held in Australian concentration camps, including foreign nationals and people perceived as political dissidents. A parliamentary faction led by the member for Bondi, Abram Landa, and the Labor backbencher SM Falstein, began agitating to have the leaders of the Australia First Movement incarcerated. (Note the two Jews: Landa and Falstein….. – BDL1983)

Rud Mills had had some contact with Inky Stephenson. To start with, he had sent another Odinist, Leslie Cahill, to Sydney to try to convert Stephenson to Odinism. He had also written articles for Stephenson’s monthly, The Publicist. Finally, when Stephenson came under government suspicion, Mills wrote a letter that was intercepted, offering him legal advice. At the urging of Landa and Falstein, Stephenson was arrested on the 20th of March, 1942, and interned for three years, five months and one week. With him in the concentration camps, guarded by machine guns and barbed wire and starved of rations, were about twenty other members of Australia First. These people were prisoners of conscience in the strictest Amnesty International sense of the phrase. (Not one was ever charged with a single offence.)

(Jews behind putting Australian patriots in concentration camps; how ironic – BDL1983)

Soon to join them was Leslie Kevin Cahill. He had enlisted on the 20th of January 1942, and served as an army private. For having tried to convert Stephenson to Odinism, he was arrested on the 10th of March. He ended up at Loveday concentration camp in South Australia, where he was held until the 6th of February 1944.

Now it was the turn of Rud Mills. On the 10th of March, 1942, Major Ted Hattam of Military Intelligence and Sub-Inspector Birch of the Victorian CIB Special Branch called at his Canterbury flat. Apparently believing that Mills’ faith in his ancestral Gods would somehow make him pro-German, they searched his premises, but found nothing incriminating. He remained free until the 7th of May, when he was taken under armed guard to a detention camp in Broadmeadows. From there he was sent to Loveday. Mills was forced to appear before a military tribunal in July 1942. Despite having been systematically starved of rations for three months, and despite having at least once been beaten with a rifle by a sadistic camp guard, he still put up a good showing. The tribunal recommended that he be released without restriction. On the 17th of December 1942 he walked out of Loveday concentration camp as a free man.

In 1944 the Attorney-General, Dr Evatt, set up a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the detention without trial of Australian citizens. Rud Mills was tormented for three days in the witness stand, but failed to crack.

In its report, the Commission concluded that “after the outbreak of war he [Mills] had not disclosed in his conduct any hostility to the allied cause”. One might wonder why they thought he would. After all, Sir Robert Menzies had also done everything he could to avoid the war. Even as late as the 18th of August 1939 he had argued that the British and Germans “have more in common than not, and the things we argue about are mere froth on the surface”. (Too true…. We are almost identical racial stock!….. – BDL1983)

This was precisely the point that Mills had made in the 1930s. But Mills’ internment had shown that what was an acceptable sentiment in the mouth of a Christian politician was unacceptable from the pen of an Odinist poet. Others took the point. Most of the Odinist circle faded away. The Anglecyn Church of Odin either dissolved or went very deeply underground. Leslie Cahill vanished from public life so completely that no photo of him is known to survive. Rud Mills fought for compensation for his illegal imprisonment, but received nothing. The book that he planned to write about his incarceration never appeared.

Ironically, Odinists in Germany were also persecuted at the same time as Rud Mills. Members of Odinist or heathen organisations were harassed by the security police and banned from joining the dominant Nazi party (NSDAP). From June 1941 their organisations were formally banned, their assets confiscated, and some of their leaders sent to concentration camps.



A nephew of Rud Mills and Evelyn Price was bequeathed the copyright to all of Rud Mills’ published and unpublished works, photos and other memorabilia by Evelyn. She also designated him Mills’  literary executor.

This generous man has now signed and dated  (12 September 2011) a formal statement. In it he freely transfers all residual rights in Mills’ literary estate to the Odinic Rite of Australia.

Essentially, this means that no-one else can legally publish or re-print any of Mills’ intellectual property without first obtaining permission from the Odinic Rite of Australia.

The repercussions of this man’s generosity will presumably become apparent in the months and years to come. For the moment, suffice it to say that several individuals and groups hostile both to Mills and to Odinism have quoted from Mills’ writings at unlawful length, and have also illegally used his private photographs and other intellectual property.

While the Odinic Rite of Australia is certainly not litigious, we are now in a position to warn people hostile to Mills and to Odinism that they should obey the law in future.

Source: http://odinicriteofaustralia.wordpress.com/aussie-odinists-behind-barbed-wire/

Interesting article…..

If anyone is wondering: I don’t subscribe to ANY organised religion, Odinism, Christianity etc. I use the Celtic Cross and Odinist symbols wherever I like; not for any religious purpose but simply because these symbols are bound very tightly into the history of the White Race and they appeal to me aesthetically!

– BDL1983

Bestiality brothels are ‘spreading through Germany’……………

Bestiality brothels are spreading through Germany faster than ever thanks to a law that makes animal porn illegal but sex with animals legal, a livestock protection officer has warned.

Madeleine Martin told the Frankfurter Rundschau that current laws were not protecting animals from predatory zoophiles who are increasingly able to turn to bestiality as a ‘lifestyle choice’.

She highlighted one case where a farmer in the Gross-Gerau region of southwest Germany, noticed his once friendly flock of sheep were beginning to shy away from human contact.

sheepShock discovery: Ms Martin told of one case where a farmer rigged a CCTV camera in the rafters of his barn after finding his normally friendly sheep refusing human contact, to discover multiple men sneaking in in the dead of night to sexually abuse his beloved livestock

So he rigged a CCTV camera in the rafters of his barn to discover multiple men sneaking in during the night to sexually abuse his beloved livestock.

‘There are now animal brothels in Germany,’ Martin told the paper, adding that people were playing down the issue by by describing it as a ‘lifestyle choice’.

Armed with a host of similar case studies, Ms Martin is now calling for the government to categorically ban bestiality across the country.

Defenceless: There are even 'erotic zoos' which people can visit to abuse animals ranging from llamas to goatsDefenceless: There are even ‘erotic zoos’ which people can visit to abuse animals ranging from llamas to goats

Last November German authorities said they were planning to reinstate an old law forbidding sex with animals after a sharp rise in incidents of bestiality along with websites promoting it.

Read More: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2352779/Bestiality-brothels-spreading-Germany-campaigner-claims-abusers-sex-animals-lifestyle-choice.html

Fucking Hell!!! Truly disgusting stuff…………. The next step after the fag agenda……


More Fake Holohoax Stories… Yawn…


The real Hollywood sign (not approved by Spielberg…. haha! – BDL1983)

Just four days before the end of the war in Europe, a unit of Canadian soldiers was advancing through a thick forest in the north-east of Holland. Accompanying them was a member of the highly secret British Special Service Unit, a man called Joe Corry.

By any measure, Corry had had an eventful war. He had assassinated a Nazi scientist with a crossbow, watched D-Day from a house on the landing beaches, rescued the nuclear scientist J Robert Oppenheimer (the so-called father of the atom bomb) from Holland, attached limpet mines to U-boats, been shipwrecked off Newfoundland, and had even worked with the future James Bond author, Ian Fleming, himself an intelligence officer.

But despite everything he had seen, nothing could prepare Corry for what he would witness that day. For hidden deep in the forest was a Nazi ‘experimental’ extermination camp, the sight of which would remain with him for ever.

‘The living and dead evidence of horror and brutality beyond one’s imagination was there,’ wrote Corry years later. ‘People were lying, crawling and shuffling about, in stinking ankle-deep mud and human excrement.’

A young girl came up to him, crying for help, but there was little that Corry could do. A rabbi then approached and kissed the back of Corry’s hand, mumbling what Corry could only assume was a prayer.

As Corry walked around the camp, he was presented with increasingly horrific sights, including heaps of corpses and rows of ‘living skeletons’ crammed into blockhouses.

A few days later he returned, and saw two inmates tearing flesh from a long-dead horse and ‘gulping huge bites’.

What Corry saw that day nearly seven decades ago was an all-too-vivid example of the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were murdered on the orders of Adolf Hitler. (Yeah right. They all survived though! – BDL1983)

No wonder that earlier this year publishers Simon & Schuster (Jews – BDL1983) jumped at the opportunity to re-issue his extraordinary memoir, first published to little fanfare in 1990.


Herman Rosenblat (above with his ugly wife – BDL1983) told Oprah Winfrey that he met his wife when she threw him fruit over a camp fence

The new edition, out in 2014, has been described by Corry’s editor as ‘everything you’d want to read in a World War II memoir — it’s a gripping, rollercoaster account of extreme bravery and resourcefulness, that also packs a powerful and emotional punch’.

There is, however, just one problem: it simply isn’t true.

There were no such ‘experimental extermination camps’ in Holland, and the concentration camps that had been on Dutch soil had been discovered well before May 4 — the day of the German surrender in Holland.

In fact, nearly everything Corry claims about his wartime experiences is fictitious. There was no ‘Special Service Unit’; Professor Oppenheimer was in the U.S. throughout the war; there were no British troops hiding in houses on the D-Day beaches.

The list of falsehoods is astonishing and blatant. Little wonder that Mike Jones, editorial director of Simon & Schuster, now says: ‘We publish a vast range of non-fiction, and we have acquired the book on the basis of what we are being told.

‘There is no way on earth we would want to publish a book that is inaccurate and is made up. Now this has been brought to our attention by an expert, we shall look into these allegations and we shall talk to the author and agent.’

Binjamin Wilkomirski invented a wartime childhood in Auschwitz

Sadly, Corry’s tale is part of a growing problem within the publishing industry, which is selling to the public a growing number of ‘memoirs’ about the Holocaust and World War II that should really belong on the shelves marked ‘fiction’.

This issue has been highlighted again by the recent publication of Felix Weinberg’s moving — and genuine — Holocaust memoir, Boy 30529: A Memoir.

Sadly, Professor Weinberg, who taught for many years at Imperial College in London, died before his book came out in April, but he has left not only a powerful piece of documentary record but also a well-aimed blast at unscrupulous ‘survivors’ and their editors. I have always tended to avoid Holocaust literature,’ he wrote, ‘and find some of the recent fictional accounts masquerading as true stories profoundly disturbing.

‘It is tantamount to desecrating war graves. We ought at least to show [the dead] enough respect to refrain from making up false stories about how their lives ended.’

One of the earliest examples of a false story about the Holocaust was a book called Fragments: Memories Of A Wartime Childhood, published by a musician called Binjamin Wilkomirski in Germany in 1995.

Like so many of his fellow fabricators, Wilkomirski kept his account of life in camps such as Auschwitz and Majdanek vague, and presented his experiences — as the book’s title suggests — in a very fragmentary way.

Shocking and powerful, as Holocaust memoirs tend to be, the book was critically acclaimed by academics and the public alike, and sold in at least 11 countries.

However, in 1998, Wilkomirski was exposed as a liar by a Swiss journalist, who revealed the author had been nowhere near the camps; that he was in fact called Bruno Grosjean, and had been raised in an orphanage.

After the exposure of Fragments, one might have hoped publishers would have taken more care in vetting manuscripts, but this has not proved to be the case.

After all, the Nineties were the decade in which ‘misery memoirs’ became fashionable, and a Holocaust tale is the ultimate misery memoir.

In 1996, Herman Rosenblat appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show with an incredible story to tell. As a boy, Rosenblat had been incarcerated in a concentration camp called Schlieben, which was a sub-camp of the infamous Buchenwald. Every day for seven months, Rosenblat was thrown apples and bread over the camp’s fence by a young Jewish girl called Roma — food that kept him alive.

Misha Defonesca said she’d survived the Warsaw ghetto and then been raised by wolves.

Then, Rosenblat was moved to another camp, and he thought he would never see Roma again.
By the Fifties, Rosenblat was living in Brooklyn in the United States, and one day in 1957, he went on a blind date with an attractive young woman. Amazingly, the date was none other than Roma, and — in true Hollywood fashion — they got married.

Curiously, it took a long time for Rosenblat’s story to attract the attention of publishers, but finally, in 2008, it was sold for an undisclosed sum to Berkley Books, an imprint of Penguin, and scheduled to be published as Angel At The Fence the following year.

In addition, a £17 million feature film was scheduled to start shooting in March. Rosenblat was about to become immensely rich.

But then the book came to the attention of Holocaust scholars and those who had survived Schlieben.

They didn’t believe it was possible for Roma and Rosenblat to have met at the camp’s fence.

The public road near the fence was closed, and prisoners could only approach it at the risk of death. There was simply no way the story of the ‘angel’ could have happened.

In December 2008, the book was withdrawn from publication.

‘I wanted to bring happiness to people,’ Rosenblat said, unconvincingly. ‘I brought hope to a lot of people. My motivation was to make good in this world.’

Walters believes that the fake memoirs encourages extremists who deny the holocaust ever happened (hahaha – BDL1983)

Unfortunately, falsifying Holocaust memoirs to make money does anything but good.

As early as December 2007, renowned American historian Deborah Lipstadt, Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University in Atlanta, stated that Rosenblat’s story ‘has so many shortcomings that one hardly knows where to begin’.

That such memoirs, by distorting the historical record, have a very damaging side-effect. ‘Not only do we need to be historically accurate for the simple sake of history,’ she stated, ‘but on top of that, this kind of stuff is fodder for Holocaust-deniers.’

This a key point. Holocaust deniers love false memoirs, as they can be used to ‘prove’ that in fact most Holocaust memoirs are untrue.

When Misha Defonseca published in 1997 her entirely false Misha: A Memoir Of The Holocaust Years, in which she claimed to have survived the Warsaw ghetto and been raised by wolves, the deniers had a field day.

 ‘It’s tantamount to desecrating war graves’

It hardly helped when Defonseca uttered the ludicrous justification for her actions that ‘it’s not the true reality, but it is my reality’.

Unfortunately, despite all these examples, publishers are still wilfully selling suspect memoirs based on the Holocaust and the war.

In 2011, I showed how Denis Avey’s claims to have broken into Auschwitz in his book The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz, were riddled with so many discrepancies that serious questions were raised about his story.

What made it particularly suspect was an interview he had given in which he had recalled trying to meet an Australian who stoked the crematorium where the bodies of the dead Jews were disposed of.
That recollection seems false, as the Australian was called Donald Watt, who had published a memoir in 1995 about his Holocaust experiences which was shown to be complete rubbish.

For historians, books by the likes of Avey and Watt are seen as ‘junk history’ — pages that sate the appetite, but do not provide any historical nutrition.

Every time I pick up a memoir written by a Tommy in his twilight years, I find passages that make me raise an eyebrow.

Take the example of the recent Survivor Of The Long March: Five Years as a PoW 1940-1945 by Charles Waite. At one point, Waite recalls how he witnessed a Jewish baby being snatched from its mother by a guard. ‘The baby started crying,’ Waite writes, ‘and he threw it onto the ground and started kicking it like a football along the track.’ The screaming mother was then shot in the back of the head, and the baby left dead on the ground.

Can this story be true? It is possible, but we only have Waite’s word for it, and he died last year.

There are many stories about guards murdering babies (usually, as is the case in Avey’s book, their heads are smashed in), and undoubtedly some are true.

Read More: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2346193/Could-twisted-holocaust-fantasists-How-people-making-memoirs-witnessing-Nazi-crimes.html#ixzz2WyVTqYLu

Oy Vey, more fake poisecution, oy!

The Jews just never stop whining do they?!


You were right Herr Hitler; and you still are!

Sieg Heil!! 1488!!

– BDL1983