This is one of the most disgraceful things I’ve ever seen.
Here we have Victoria police entering the home of a normal white couple and arresting the pregnant woman over a very mild anti-lockdown protest post she made on Facebook. This is really what it’s come to: disagree with anything the government says and the cops will come and arrest you, charge you and humiliate you in front of your own children. I can barely put into words how angry seeing this makes me feel.
This is the post she made:

Now, you tell me whether this woman is some sort of terrible criminal deserving of the treatment she got?? She went to all the trouble of stressing how she wanted the protest to be legal by Virus Standards, yet still the pigs come a knocking.
This is absolute tyranny and it is thoroughly sickening to see.
We, as Australians, must all throw our support 100% behind people like Zoe and her family. Because you know what, if we don’t they’ll be coming for us next. The time for pretending that this isn’t some kind of sick tyranny based around some vague hoax virus is over. We absolutely must support people like Zoe and her family. These people are our OWN KIN being treated like shit in our OWN COUNTRY.
The most aggravating part of this whole affair is that these are WHITE police officers doing the arresting. They would do well to bear in mind that hell is a very hot place; you’ll probably need more than just a mask when you get there!
Bottom Line: This thing is crashing and it’s going to burn. Pick your side. Either you’re with the good guys like Zoe and her family or you’re with the tyranny. The time for fence sitting has evaporated.
-ETP Admin.