Man Up, Kid: German Health Official Says It’s Better to Have a Beer than Visit a Psychotherapist

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 9, 2013

"Quit whining, faggots.  Have a few beer, go to sleep and get up tomorrow and deal with your shit like a man." -Josef Hecken (not an actual quote)

“Quit whining, faggot. Have a few beers, go to sleep, and get up tomorrow and deal with your shit like a man.” -Josef Hecken (not an actual quote)

The over-diagnosis of mental disorders has severely damaged our society, leading to femininization, with men preferring to feel bad for themselves than act like men and deal with their problems like men.

Mental illness exists, to be sure, but serious mental illness, which can’t be dealt with by simply facing down your problems, is very rare. These new disorders that are being diagnosed are a means for the Jew drug companies to get rich.

Men who believe they have an excuse not to deal with their problems won’t deal with their problems. They will sit around and feel bad for themselves like spoiled children. This leads to a further breakdown of the fundamental structure of society, the cornerstone of which must be men capable of decisive action in the face of adversity.

You will note that the savages who are colonizing and conquering our countries don’t whine about how they have ‘depression’ and ‘anxiety.’

I agree with Josef Hecken – man up and quit acting like little bitches.

From the Daily Mail:

A bottle of warm beer is better than psychotherapy, a German health official has advised.

According to Josef Hecken, chair of the country’s statutory health system, a drink can heal minor illnesses like sleep disorders.

Speaking at a debate, he also ridiculed the inclusion of psychotherapists in Germany’s healthcare provision.

His comments have provoked outrage among leading medics claiming he has trivialised severe mental disorders.

Dieter Best, chairman of the German Association of Psychotherapists, attacked Hecken’s suggestion as ‘unspeakable’ in an open letter.

He wrote: ‘You trivialise and ignore the needs of our patients with your bottle of beer metaphor.

‘And you subtly stigmatise people with severe psychiatric disorders.’

The letter, published in German newspaper Tagesspiegel, also blasted Mr Hecken for saying it was a ‘cardinal sin’ the government incorporated psychotherapists into the national health service.

Before 1999, people with mental disorders were transquilised instead of receiving therapy, Mr Best exclaims.

In a desperate bid to backtrack, Mr Hecken issued a statement describing his suggestion as ‘unfortunate’ and ‘misunderstood’.

Source Article

It is better to have a beer than visit any fucking quack!

No, sorry, I stand corrected: It’s better to have ‘half a dozen’, if you feel like it! I drink 5 or 6 EVERY night and I fucking love it! Then I proceed to drink more on the weekends, and guess what? I function just fine!

Drink BEER! It’s good for you!

– BDL1983

What We can Learn from Our Grandparents’ Diet

From The Daily Stormer:

THEY put butter on their fried scones and sugar on their rolled oats and – shock horror – at 80 they’re still skinny!

Our grandparents also used to make their own butter, cook with lard, drink full cream milk and put away plenty of potatoes.

Meanwhile we – who cut carbs, remove fat, cook less, eat more and spend most of our time sitting – are fatter than ever.

So how do our grandparents remain so healthy while living so heartily?

For starters, they ate less.

Grandfather-of-12 John Golding, who runs a family farm outside Grafton in northern New South Wales, says food was scarce when he was growing up.

“We ate less for sure because the food had to go around a big family. There were seven or nine kids in every family so you didn’t eat much at all. There were no ‘seconds’,” he said.

“We didn’t overeat and you’d restrict your bread intake because otherwise you’d run out.

“It was all healthy food. We always had a huge vegetable garden so we had cauliflowers growing in the winter time. We ate a lot of cabbage but only boiled cabbage.”

In Unhappy Meals, a piece for The New York Times Magazine, best-selling author Michael Pollan says we can all cut back.

“The scientific case for eating a lot less than we currently do is compelling. ‘Calorie restriction’ has repeatedly been shown to slow ageing in animals, and many researchers (including Walter Willett, the Harvard epidemiologist) believe it offers the single strongest link between diet and cancer prevention,” he said.

“Once one of the longest-lived people on earth, the Okinawans practised a principle they called ‘Hara Hachi Bu’: eat until you are 80 per cent full.”

John says they only ate actual foods.

“Boiled potatoes or fried eggs were what we’d have for breakfast when mum was rearing us on the farm,” he said.

“We did have a bit of steak and onion gravy – just a little bit of that now and again and I still love that for breakfast. Now I have toast with vegemite and avocado.

“I also eat a lot of bananas. I average five or six a day. When [my wife] Ollie’s dad was growing them I’d eat five or six before breakfast and could eat up to a dozen a day.

“Don’t forget I also have a watermelon every day, all year round.”

John says he and his wife Ollie, who does most of the cooking, rarely ate processed food.

“We didn’t have any packaged stuff at all,” he said. “When Dad bought this farm after the war, we’d milk two or three cows so you’d make your butter and custards.

“We were reared also on fried scones. We loved fried scones. Instead of baking the scones, we’d fry ‘em. They were beautiful just with butter.

“The leftover corn beef would be minced up with a hand mincer and we’d make a potato pie. You’d put potatoes over the top and bake it like a cottage pie.

“With all the old meat you made curries. I also love honey carrots. There wasn’t one thing wasted.”

In Six Rules For Eating Wisely, a piece for TIME magazine, Pollan says we shouldn’t eat anything our great-great-great grandmother wouldn’t recognise as food.

“Imagine how baffled your ancestors would be in a modern supermarket … (most items) aren’t foods – quite – they’re food products,” he said.

“History suggests you might want to wait a few decades or so before adding such novelties to your diet, the substitution of margarine for butter being the classic case in point.

“My mother used to predict ‘they’ would eventually discover that butter was better for you. She was right: the trans-fatty margarine is killing us. Eat food, not food products.”

John, 79, eats everything but grew up on staples of rice, rolled oats and potatoes.

“When mum was rearing the five of us while dad was at the war she fed us on a lot of rice because that was cheap. I loved boiled rice with a bit of sugar on it, but now I don’t have sugar,” he said.

“We always had corned beef and spuds. They always boiled it and left it in the big pot until it got cold. It was pretty salty.

“I was reared on rolled oats. I love rolled oats made on full cream milk with a bit of salt and honey in it. You’d put a little bit of salt in it but that was just to cook things.”

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It’s just common sense isn’t it? Basically, don’t eat too much crap, don’t be a lazy fat bastard, and you should be alright!

– BDL1983

Friday Night Jukebox – (19/7/13) & The Health Benefits of Beer!!!!

Classic “Aussie Beer” songs by our very own Slim Dusty (RIP):

Old Time Country Halls….. What a great tune!

Here’s an interesting little article…. BEER IS GOOD FOR US!!

I think we could probably sneak in a few more than they recommend…. The few extra beers are for “mental” health!!


Mmmmmmm….. Delicious Pale Ale!

Beer drinkers rejoice: Your favorite brew may be healthier than you think.

For years, wine drinkers have indulged without guilt, reveling in the news that red wine can help protect against heart disease. Recent research shows that beer can also be good for what ails you, from reducing risk for broken bones to helping warding off diabetes and mental decline. It can even increase longevity, a large study suggests.

However, the key to tapping into beer’s benefits is moderation, meaning just one 12-ounce beer per day for women and two for men. Heavy drinking ups the threat of liver damage, some cancers, and heart problems. Bingeing on brewskis can also make you fat, since a 12-ounce regular beer has about 150 calories, while light beer has about 100.

Here are 10 surprising—and healthy—reasons to cheer about your next beer.

1. Stronger Bones

Beer contains high levels of silicon, which is linked to bone health. In a 2009 study at Tufts University and other centers, older men and women who swigged one or two drinks daily had higher bone density, with the greatest benefits found in those who favored beer or wine. However, downing more than two drinks was linked to increased risk for fractures.

For the best bone-building benefits, reach for pale ale, since a 2010 study of 100 types of beer from around the word identified these brews as richest in silicon, while light lagers and non-alcoholic beers contained the least.

2. A Stronger Heart

A 2011 analysis of 16 earlier studies involving more than 200,000 people, conducted by researchers at Italy’s Fondazion di Ricerca e Cura, found a 31 percent reduced risk of heart disease in those who quaffed about a pint of beer daily, while risk surged in those who guzzled higher amounts of alcohol, whether beer, wine, or spirits.

More than 100 studies also show that moderate drinking trims risk of heart attacks and dying from cardiovascular disease by 25 to 40 percent, Harvard reports. A beer or two a day can help raise levels of HDL, the “good” cholesterol that helps keep arteries from getting clogged.

3. Healthier Kidneys

A study in Finland singled out beer among other alcoholic drinks, finding that each bottle of beer men drank daily lowered their risk of developing kidney stones by 40 percent. One theory is that beer’s high water content helped keep kidneys working, since dehydration increases kidney stone risk.

It’s also possible that the hops in beer help curb leeching of calcium from bones; that “lost” calcium also could end up in the kidneys as stones.

4. Boosting Brain Health

A beer a day may help keep Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia at bay, researchers say.

A 2005 study tracking the health of 11,000 older women showed that moderate drinkers (those who consumed about one drink a day) lowered their risk of mental decline by as much as 20 percent, compared to non-drinkers. In addition, older women who downed a drink a day scored as about 18 months “younger,” on average, on tests of mental skills than the non-drinkers.

5. Reduced Cancer Risk

A Portuguese study found that marinating steak in beer eliminates almost 70 percent of the carcinogens, called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) produced when the meat is pan-fried. Researchers theorize that beer’s sugars help block HCAs from forming.

Scientists also have found that beer and wine contain about the same levels of antioxidants, but the antioxidants are different because the flavonoids found in hops and grapes are different.

Read More:


Delicious Stout………. Mmmmmmm……..!

There you go…… BEER IS GOOD FOR YOU! It’s what I’ve always said!!

– BDL1983



Above: I think we all know which column we should aspire to! The fatties are hilarious!!

If you look around at the average people who make up modern western society, you’ll see quite literally all shapes and sizes. Morbidly obese slobs, fat slobs, thin unmuscular string-bean types, effeminate faggy so-called men; you get the point. Basically a repulsive bunch of degenerates for the most part! Obviously there are an ever dwindling number of people in good physical shape too… Hopefully you’re one of these. The majority of the White Race seems to have lost any sort of pride in keeping a healthy physical shape. This is a disturbing pattern not given enough attention by most. Physical degenerates who couldn’t fight their way out of wet paper bags are no good to anyone…

How the fuck did it get like this?

Everyone’s heard the old saying, “a sound mind can only dwell in a sound body”. On rare occasions there may be exceptions, but generally the rule holds true. What good are clever fat slobs or skinny weaklings when the crunch comes? Not alot.

In the modern west most Whites fit into the broad physical degenerate category AND they are dumb as shit too… It’s a real winning mix for resisting and fighting the Jewish system!

All these useless physical degenerates are never going to care about real politics or get off their lazy arses for anything. They don’t care who is ruling them in the slightest. They only care about the basic necessities of life: food, shelter, sleep etc. In the end it all boils down to our 1% (hopefully it’s more than that) versus the J-Teams 1% (As Wolf Wall St puts it).

We have the potential to get alot more numbers on our side. The receptive people amongst us must take heed of a positive, healthy lifestyle. This means not eating shit food and exercising. I would suggest that the average person looking to improve their overall health incorporate 3 or 4 half hour sessions of STRENUOUS exercise into their average week. The benefits will be enormous for the currently inactive person looking to improve themselves.

Don’t get me wrong though; I do eat some junk food because I like to now and then, but overall my diet is good. I also love beer & if you asked any so-called ‘expert’ they would say I drink too much….. Well, blah blah blah, I don’t care, it’s how I relax and unwind. I think that 3 or 4 beers actually makes you think clearer!

Beer and junk food now and then. Those are my vices and everyone has some (and probably needs them for that matter!) It’s part of the human condition.

Another part of the human condition is self-discipline (or at least it should be). I am extremely determined to maintain my physical strength and I exercise daily to do it. I like to do half an hour a day, give or take a bit depending on what sort of work I’m doing at the time.

Personally I like a mixture of activities; running, weights, cycling, boxing, and trekking. It’s good having a mixture so you never get bored doing it. I could probably do a third of what I do and still maintain good physical fitness, but I like pushing myself. I’m my own worst enemy when it comes to exercise!

For what it’s worth this is what I suggest: If you eat poorly and you’re unfit, then you’ll have to use some self-discipline and willpower. Introduce some good foods and some physical activity GRADUALLY. You’ll thank yourself for it. We are going to need as many intelligent, able-bodied, strong people as we can get in this fight for the survival of our race. Toughen up, get fit, and after your daily thrashing you can look forward to a couple of cold


– BDL1983