First up, John Friend’s interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom. This man knows his stuff regarding the whole issue of ‘Global Warming‘, or ‘Climate Change‘ (Climate Changeiswhat the so-called experts label it, when unsure if temperatures are going up or down).
The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), is a branch of the United Nations, and therefore a political organisation. The UN and the Oil companies are controlled by Jews. Since Kikes are pushing BOTH sides of this agenda, then obviously one side must be wrong. The way you tell is by the evidence and the labelling of the nay-sayers. On the Al Gore, TV, UN side, there is no evidence other than fearmongering propaganda. On the other side, there is a mountain of evidence suggesting that the man-made CO2, ‘Global Warming’ theory is a load of bullshit, and the epithet of ‘Climate Change DENIER‘ being thrown at those who doubt the UN’s bogus claims!
Holocaust = Hoax, therefore ‘Holocaust Denier’ is the smear term used against those who question.
Climate Change = Hoax, therefore ‘Climate Change Denier’ is the smear term used against those who question.
You do the mathematics.
It’s purpose is to sell the idea that humans are destroying the planet by pumping too much life-giving CO2 into the atmosphere, and catastrophically warming things up. It is just a guilt-trip used on ‘White’ countries to con us into paying ‘carbon’ taxes, where they can go, “Look, too much of a carbon footprint here, let’s cut back on resource use in the WHITE countries, because Whitey ‘pollutes’ too much, then pretend to use our carbon offsets to help starving Africans”. All the while, Mr. Jew just pockets the money anyway, because all the ‘developing’ countries are already in huge debt! Mr. Jew only wants to use this issue to lower our White living standards, as he simultaneously ‘multiculturalises’ us!
White Nationalists: Pay Attention, this is the TRUTH!
Also, listen to this show with Kyle Hunt interviewing Thomas Goodrich. It’s all about the disgusting Jew-led WAR CRIMES against Germany; mass rape, murder, torture etc….. Truly horrible stuff that SHOULD BE COMMON KNOWLEDGE AMONGST EVERYONE! It is a very significant event in our history, illustrating what these filthy, disgusting, fucking kikes have done to our race….. (and are perfectly capable of repeating, if given the chance)
In this article I will try my best to explain in layman’s terms just what National Socialism is all about and more importantly dispel the myths that have been drip fed into your conciousness since the day you were born. I am talking to ALL race’s here not just the noble White Aryan race.
The NS Eagle and Swastika is simply awesome!
Myths conjured up by the the Eternal enemy about not just the White Aryan but all races other than the ‘Chosen one’s’. In other words the ‘Goyim’.
Nazi’s (a name that the Jew attributed to National Socialists) Are hateful ‘White Supremacists’
Nothing could be further than the truth, Adolf Hitler, or National Socialist ideology has no desire to control or exploit people of different races and to suggest that he wished to exterminate them is pure fantasy. National Socialist policy dictates that every race has a right to live and prosper in their own lands by means of their own inventiveness and labour.
The Nazi’s killed 6 million Jews, they gassed them in chambers, made lampshades out of their skin and shrunk their heads after brutally killing them
This is an out and out lie, for a start how would it be possible for National Socialist Germany to exterminate 6,000,000 Jews whilst fighting a war (That the Jew instigated) on numerous fronts Between 1939 and 1945, that equates to a Million a year do the maths, it means they would have to gas or exterminate one million Jews a year or 83,000 a month, 19,000 a week. This is totally impossible and has been totally debunked by many a scholar and even the Jews themselves. The ‘Human Lampshades’ and ‘Shrunken heads’ have been proven to be badly made ‘props’ produced for ‘Allied’ propaganda purposes.
Hitler was a mad dictator
Adolf Hitler was a visionary elected democratically by the German people of ALL classes, he could see that the Jewish International Banking Cartel was bleeding his country dry. The first thing he did was to close down and expel the Rothschild owned Banks and the rest of the parasites that existed living a life of affluence while the German people starved. He offered every Jew residing in Germany 1,000 DM to leave, many did but many decided to remain thinking that their ideology of Communism would defeat Hitler and in doing so their parasitic ways could remain intact. What’s mad about that?
But Hitler was against Gay’s
Yes he was because homosexuality goes against nature and National Socialism is based on the rules of nature. Procreation needs a male and a female and nature is all about procreation of the individual race or species that is why he was also against race mixing. Race mixing (Miscegenation) can only result in offspring with no sense of belonging and racial identity. Race is not as the Jew would like us to believe ‘Just a social construct’ Race is reality created by nature for an express purpose. The Jew believes this for his own race but you as a lowly Goy are not allowed to.
What is wrong with this (something I wrote years ago after my ‘awakening’)
Think of the words: National Socialism, can you not be an individual that cares about his country and his people as a distinct race (Nationalist) and cares and looks after the vunerable, needy and sick of his kinsfolk (Socialist) but at the exclusion of all other races?
Look around you, the world that the Creator gave us is a beautiful place, Nature is wonderful. Who’s screwing it all up. The Jew invented Monterey system whereby everyone of you is in debt to the Jew via the system of ‘usury’. There is no reason for us to accept this, break the shackles and embrace National Socialism. It is the only salvation not just for our race but for ALL races otherwise if we carry on with the Jewish plan we will all lose our Racial Identity forever. Except for the one race, the Jew. But after all, according to them they are ‘The Chosen one’s’.
Yes that is Eva Braun (at the beginnig of this video, picking flowers) the woman that loved and adored Adolf and was willing to die with him rather than be defiled and ravaged by the invading hoards of Marxist and ‘Allied’ scum. Hail Victory 14/88
We all know that Jews are moneyed up creatures. The first image that comes to mind when picturing a typical Jew is the cartoon of him grinning at a thick bundle of cash in his hand. The stereotype is true, and that’s why it exists.
A typical Jew……
The famous Jewish ability to ‘get’ money, without ever earning it, is the source of all his power today. This ‘power-of-the-purse’ has enabled the Jewish beast to cement control over pretty much everything in the modern Western world, including all of our political machinery. We understand that the Talmudic mindset of the Jew is what permeates every facet of our society. His slimy tentacles have ensnared everything in the grip of his false, unnatural doctrine of Marxism, which divides every natural process into two opposing halves. He then agitates both sides for war against the other.
The holy Jew book of filth
Everyone understands how the Jew does this with the issue of race. Saving our White race is our most important task, but this doesn’t mean we should neglect the fact that the Jews cause countless other wars under the banner of ‘perceived injustice’. This ‘perceived injustice’ is the Marxist way of explaining why inequality exists, and also what they use as their excuse to agitate for war between the two sides. They do the same process with race, gender, class, and anything else you can think of!
In the ‘White Nationalist’ movement, there is a common knee-jerk reaction to label anyone who speaks of worker’s rights and class warfare, as a communist. This is a very naive and stupid mistake. Acknowledging the fact that class warfare does exist, and is a real problem, does not make someone a communist or communist sympathiser!
In the couple of years leading up to my awakening to the Jewish and race problems, I explored communist ideology and class warfare, and found that there were many legitimate concerns and problems that these people complained of. The capitalists’ habit of skimming unearned profits off of the workers production is the main one. I never really believed in their ideological system in its entirety, and I knew they were not whining about nothing, so I figured they were just misled. I didn’t know why or how at the time. I do now.
Class warfare is basically a Jewish game, where they use peoples’ natural status in the societal hierarchy against them. They tell the workers that their management hates them and is oppressing them. They tell the ‘management class’ how lazy the workers are. That leaves all the essential classes of people, who are supposed to be carrying out productive work, at war with each other, for no good reason! It’s the classic Jewish strategy of getting the workforce divided up into the unnecessary ‘capitalism versus communism’ game. Capitalism is made to appeal to the management class, and communism to the working class. That’s the game, and it has real devastating effects when foisted upon any society. And of course, the Jews sit at the top of the power structure, stealing the profits and pulling the strings!
Adolf Hitler understood the realities of Jewish-promoted class warfare, and how destructive it is to any healthy, ordered, working society. He knew the Jews were pulling the strings of both capitalism and communism. He offered a genuine solution which restored the natural order: National Socialism. It worked brilliantly. The point here is that ignoring the reality of class warfare, and labelling anyone who mentions it, as a communist, is simply stupid. Imagine how Hitler would have gone restoring the German nation if he couldn’t deal with the class warfare issue, or set up ‘workers-fronts’ to solve workplace disputes. He would have gotten nowhere! It would be rather stupid to ignore the class-war aspect of the Jewish agenda, since a productive, healthy workforce, is essential to any properly functioning society.
He knew what to do…..
What does all this mean regarding how we deal with communists and communist sympathisers?
Since I have learnt about communistic thought through my own personal awakening process, I can safely say that there would be many genuine people, who think they have communist leanings, but in reality, just haven’t put together the bigger picture. I was one of these people! My position is that we should take these things on an individual basis where possible. For example, assess the person’s character before condemning them as an incurable communist. If they are reasonable and just need a little coaxing out of it, then we should work on them. The genuinely misled are good people and just need redirecting, over to our side! This is what the National Socialists did.
None-the-less, the Jews and dedicated communists must be dealt with severely because they are our mortal enemies. They will destroy us and stop at nothing to do so. That was the National Socialist method for dealing with the real enemies of the nation.
How the Jew should be dealt with…
As a movement, I believe we need to better hone our skills at character examination. We must avoid knee-jerk or reactionary behaviour. Labelling someone, without thorough prior thought, or a good reason to do so, is reactionary, and contrary to the uplifting Aryan spirit of National Socialism. We should leave the petty and pathetically weak-minded task of reactionary behaviour to our dedicated enemies: the Jews and committed communist scum!
We are superior to our enemies and we should act accordingly.
We truly do live in the most exciting of times. Our White race has never before faced such an enormous challenge in all its history; a fight for our very survival! Being 100% ‘against-the-wall’ and knowing that we must either fight and win……. or be exterminated….
Those are our choices. Win or DIE……. Choose!
For true inspiration we should look to the last days of WW2 when National Socialist Germany under Adolf Hitler threw literally everything at the enemies of our race. They fought until there were virtually no reserves left. It was a fight until the very end; thelast drop of blood. They knew that the fight against the Jew-controlled enemy was one that meant death and terror for Germany should they lose. They knew. That’s why they fought like they did.
Now we are a fragmented race under attack in all our homelands throughout the world. We have the same enemy (the Jew) and an even bigger challenge. Subjugation and humiliation were the penalties Germany suffered after losing WW2, along with plenty of death. This time our race is going to have to win on a global scale. If we don’t win this fight, then our mighty White Race WILL DIE! There will be no more chances.
World War 2 and Hitler’s Germany showed us the correct way. NOW WE MUST STAND AND FIGHT!!