Prepare for life as a Corona-based organism.
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M E L T D O W N ! !
Just another Coronavirus site the jews don't like
Prepare for life as a Corona-based organism.
M E L T D O W N ! !
M E L T D O W N ! !
M E L T D O W N ! !
The End Is Just Beginning
At this current juncture in world history I believe we are witnessing the very beginning of the collapse of Mystery Babylon. This evil jewish system has been spluttering along the last decade or so since the so-called “Global Financial Crisis”, but I’d say over the last 3 or 4 years it has become more evident just how much we are economically struggling. All we have done since right back in the mid 70’s is sell off everything we own in this country. It should come as no surprise that this is a finite process- once everything is sold, you’re fucked. Anyway, key point here is that all white western countries are essentially in the same position. They are all completely bankrupt, non-productive, consumerist nations of fat pigs. When everyone is in that position and has no assets left to sell to the productive countries; mainly China (who have only played ball with this ridiculous system because they got a green light to acquire assets/territory all over the western world), well, what do you do? Where to now? It is obviously the most lopsided and unbalanced scenario anyone could dream up. Not exactly sustainable economics. It is like someone did this to intentionally fuck over white countries tsk tssk:
Now, we must also consider the fact that the entire system is based on debt and interest slavery to jew central banks. When the currency is created as debt with interest attached this means that to pay back the debt is to destroy your money supply. Then you also have to find the extra bit for interest. So…. If you’re the government you take out another loan to get the money rolling again, since you have no other choice under this system. It is a classic Ponzi Scheme and the jew bank ends up owning everything in the end. There is no other possible outcome. The only way to prolong the system’s life is for the bank to pump ever-increasing amounts of money into circulation, all of which is owed back to the bank, eventually. The longer the scam continues, the more real wealth is siphoned into jew banker’s hands, and the less real wealth actual working people have to go round.
The world is now at the point where it’s international jew economy can no longer sustain itself at it’s current level of jewing, unless it takes a hit itself. The serpent is eating it’s own tail, so to speak. This is why we are seeing the controlled demolition of the global economy in conjunction with the coronavirus lock-down. It will no doubt be a partial demolition; how much of a demolition I can’t say exactly, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop any time soon given how much they are corona fear mongering all the lemmings.
Our Local Economy Was Already Bad Enough- Now It’s Going To Be A Complete Disaster.
Although the government is insisting that we are not in a corona lock-down, it would appear that is where we are headed. I get the feeling they are not far off ordering pubs, shops, cafes, and restaurants to shut indefinitely. As the gay little corona flu spreads further, the government will keep downsizing the number of people allowed at mass gatherings. It’s at 100 for indoors, 500 outdoors here in Australia. Imagine 15 for indoor venues. That is death for pubs and restaurants. This will truly be a fucking disaster.
Anyway, I was down the local pub chatting with a few people last night over a few Armageddon Ales and we were discussing the effect that all this corona bullshit is having on business and how people behave. Fact is, people are quite scared and cautious about this whole corona thing; not the people I was talking to, but many in the general public (toilet paper anyone?) A couple of the blokes there were saying how although they run their own businesses and still have a reasonable client base, there has been a distinct increase in people cancelling on jobs they were going to do. What could possibly be causing this? Well on one hand it’s corona panic, hunker in ya bunker, stop spending any money on anything other than hand sanitizer and bog rolls; and the other reason is that the person could no longer pay to have the job done that they wanted done because they themselves had already been laid off because of The Corona Fear destroying business, or they’d had their hours drastically cut. This is the flow-on effect of businesses not being allowed to operate as usual. Just wait till they hit the pubs, shops, cafes, and restaurants with the ‘You’re Fucking Shut Now’ Hammer.
So, the forecast is we are all doomed and there is no getting out of it this time. As the jobless rate goes through the roof over the next few months the welfare system is going to be absolutely fucking hammered. There’s barely any wealth among the working class as it is now (working people don’t generally have savings; they just tread water paycheck to paycheck), so it sure is going to be one hell of a shit storm seeing how the government goes squeezing even more money out of our working class to cover these Formerly Working Now Unemployed Victims Of The Corona.
How long will all this supermarket corona-buying last? Will it eventually plateau once the retards have full cupboards of bog roll and pasta? Maybe. Will the food and household goods supply lines hold up months down the track? Who knows, but it doesn’t look good and there are only going to be more and more job losses, that’s for sure.
I think what’s happening is going to be a rude awakening to many that you cannot rely on this system for anything.
And no, we are not really doomed.
We are being punished as a collective for disobeying God’s Laws.
These will be tough times coming up.
Love Your Brother.
Toughen Up.
Spread the Truth To Your Kin.
Welcome To The Jungle:
–ETP Admin.
Armageddon is near folks!
The jews sure are upping the ante with the MASSIVE SHARONAVIRUS SCARE! This is non-stop 24/7 coverage on the TV despite this thing appearing to be nothing more than a standard flu of sorts. I’m sure it’s actually a patented strain of ‘coronavirus’ released via US intelligence and the specific strain of which has been developed in a lab, but I’m not here to investigate that for you – do it yourself, you lazy bastard!
Manufactured Fear Bought To You By the jews
First things first – if this weren’t a manufactured fear campaign from our jewish overlords, then we would not be hearing anything about it since statistically there is nothing alarming about it. Tens of thousands of people die of standard flu’s every year, mainly the elderly and infirm. This corona fucker is not bucking the trend at all in this respect. Pretty much all its victims fit into the “elderly and infirm” category. The higher than average mortality rate put out there in the media is only because there are probably 3 or 4 times as many people actually infected than are known about. Factor that in, and there is no reason the stats would alarm anyone. How would anyone even know that this is some Special Extra Evil Strain of Flu and not just chalk it down with all the others, were it not a manufactured thing? It’s not like people are vomiting some sort of Purple Extra Terrestrial Snot out their mouths, while puss and blood oozes out their ears!
Remember the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Riots?
There is something very suspicious going on in the timing department with the riots in Hong Kong, which were US backed all along to economically destabilize China, and the release of this coronavirus thing. The riots ultimately fail, then miraculously Mr. Corona comes along straight after to economically destabilize China (and the world for that matter) anyway. It’s way too much of a coincidence to believe the corona-ing of everything is some sort of accident. It was released intentionally by the jew-controlled western powers (ZOG), with the US acting as front-man as usual. You’d have to guess the original plan was to use the Hong Kong riots as the cover story for the planned stock market crash we’re seeing now – i.e. If the Hong Kong riots had successfully fucked up China’s economy, then people could simply be made to believe that’s what caused the economic meltdown and look no further. Coronavirus was obviously the Plan B and ultimately what they ended up going with.
A Responsible Roadie Will Give You Immunity Anyway
The other night I naturally needed a roadie beer home after work, so I chose the obvious:
Lock-down Was Always On The Cards
The jews are cunning rats, so they are fully aware that when your Global “House of Cards” Economy is on the brink due to massive inflation in western countries and China is the only one making anything for our fat slob nations to buy, you have to find a way not only to blame something or someone for the collapse (actually a controlled demolition of sorts), but also a way of locking down your target population and working out just how stupid and pliable they actually are.
Now, this could be simply be a trial lock-down using the coronavirus as the excuse to see how much fear they can pump into the population, OR if they’re really successful they may be planning to make this situation a sort of “new normal” in the west because we may at any time be “Re-Coronered” to death. The fear in the dopey idiots is palpable when you go shopping, seeing these fat hunched zombie creatures and the amount of pasta and bog rolls they’re hoarding in the shopping trolleys. Fucks sake, I just went shopping today for the usual few steaks, spuds, eggs, coffee stuff, and a little bit of other shit I usually buy, and you get confronted with these zombie stripped shelves. No fuckin’ bog rolls even if I needed some! I swear the walking dead are out in force. You are apparently supposed to have a heart and care about people, but they make it bloody hard just looking at them. “Society”, for want of a better word is an abomination and I don’t think I could give a flying or non-flying fuck whether it all got flushed away, flush it all away:
Sure Is Fun Living In a CoronaNation!
Goodbye precious sports and entertainment industry. Here in Oz we’ve banned gatherings of over 500 lemming per outing. 499 your alright, 501 and you’re fucked, jail for the lot of ya! Maybe haha. Allegedly the AFL season is going ahead albeit with no crowds allowed. I might even turn the TV on to see how funny the situation looks, then again I might not. The NRL is considering cancelling their season for the foreseeable future; cricket has already cancelled, but this may be because no one was going Corona or No Corona. As for the entertainment industry, fuck all the jew movies anyway and all the modern music is fucking garbage anyway. That’s why if you don’t want your music being Coronered, you better listen to older stuff before the jews ruined everything. Funny times ahead, maybe….
Only one option remains, except it doesn’t:
If You Get The Corona?
You’ll be dead very soon. TV news told me so…. LOL, I’ve already had it a couple times, shook it off, piece of cake. All it takes is a bottle of Jameson, an ice tray, and a thin slice of lime to garnish. Believe it or not, it’s fucking lovely. You’ll wake up in the morning at 11:30am and wonder whether you have The Corona, but once you get outside and see the empty Jameson you’ll forget all about what ailed ya!
As your hangover wears off you’ll feel common life signs returning. When this happens it’s important to find a safe space and listen to this:
-ETP Admin
The jews are well known for promoting atheism, both as an official movement and as an underlying factor in all of their other intellectual movements. There are reasons for this, of course!
Atheism versus God
Atheism as a concept is basically the complete rejection of any God or Creator, along with all so-called ‘organised religion’. It is therefore a religion in and of itself (in a certain sense) because no atheist can prove that God doesn’t exist. Atheism is an odd concept because somehow we are all here, we all exist, matter exists, yet an atheist will insist that everything got here out of nothing, with no creative force behind it. That, as an idea, defies all logic. A belief in God or a Creator, on the other hand, is at least logical because it doesn’t leave us with an impossible dichotomy of getting something out of nothing. I’m not claiming to know how God created everything, I’m simply acknowledging the fact the He did, somehow. This is what I call humbling yourself before a power in the universe much greater than yourself as an individual. You cannot become a God/Creator, nor can you ever explain in nitty-gritty detail, how God does his work. That is not for the mortal man to know. We were not born with the capacity to comprehend such things.
What does atheism leave us with?
In removing God from the universe, we are left with only one conclusion – that everything in existence is a result of some kind of accident and everything that happens is completely meaningless. There can be no purpose to living, since belief in this earthly realm being all there is, creates a feeling of futility. “What’s the point of anything? We have no higher purpose to serve, so why would we bother caring?” – Those are the sort of questions atheism throws up, all of which lead to a mindset where nothing has any real meaning. In other words, it leaves us with a nihilistic approach to life.
Who would want us to believe in atheism?
As we know, the jews and the White Adamic race are eternal enemies, so it would logically figure that as part of their jewish strategy, they would promote futile nihilistic belief systems, like atheism, in an effort to alienate their enemy from their God and subsequently lose all sense of higher purpose. And isn’t that exactly what we see whenever our people adhere to atheistic concepts? Atheism shatters the life-force in our people, and that is exactly why the jews come up with it and promoted it.
Materialism, atheism, and jews.
The mixed-race satanic jews, being a hybridized breed, know that there is no redemption for them in any kind of afterlife. They are aware of this fact, and that is why they live their earthly existences full of greed, selfishness, and with absolutely no spirit of self-sacrifice. They do not care about anything outside the earthly realm because nothing exists for them outside it. Therefore, being entirely earthly minded, it is no surprise to find them as the worlds preeminent materialists. jews love an empty materialist existence, and this is where our people have learned their corrupt materialist, greedy, me-me-me, attitudes from. It’s not a natural instinct for us to behave like that, but as we know, the jews are very good at selling their corrupt ideas to the public via the mass media and that’s where it rubs off onto us.
If no higher power or God exists to you, then you’ll become obsessed with the material world and greed will most likely consume you. When people have this atheistic mindset, it only follows that they will be materialists, and therefore may as well be jews for all intents and purposes. They behave no better than jews, that’s for sure.
jews are against God
jews are not a religious group either. People must forget that idea. jews worship themselves as their own messiahs, and being a hybrid form on this earth, they have no connection to God, therefore they are worshiping a false ‘god’ – themselves. Worshiping yourself is not akin to worshiping God. This is why the jews can accurately be called atheists as they believe in no higher power. They serve their father satan, since this entity symbolizes the corruption of all purity in the world, and therefore the destruction of everything which was formed by our Almighty God.
-ETP Admin
Bad economic news always fills my heart with joy.
Mystery Babylon the Great, Mother of the Whores and the Abominations of the Earth is a system reliant upon global trade and international commerce. It is of course the same beast system currently dominating the world, and for that reason, I hope it falls as quickly as possible. All signs don’t look good for the Global Behemoth:
IMF predicts synchronised slowdown in global growth, warns rate cuts are not enough to stop it
Australia has been caught up in a sharp downturn being forecast for the global economy as headwinds from the US-China trade war and Brexit tensions bite into growth.
The International Monetary Fund is predicting a “synchronised slowdown” with global growth in 2019 downgraded once again to 3 per cent — noting a “serious climbdown” from 3.8 percent in 2017.
The slowest pace of growth since the global financial crisis is being blamed on rising trade barriers and higher uncertainty from swirling geopolitical issues, which are putting a dent in manufacturing and global trade.
In its latest World Economic Outlook, the IMF says Australia’s economy will weaken to 1.7 per cent growth in 2019, down a full percentage point from 2.7 percent in 2018.
In a statement reacting to the gloomy outlook, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg confirmed that while the fundamentals of the Australian economy remain sound, “we do face headwinds”.
The way the global system functions is based upon debt, usury, and never-ending capitalist expansion. If you put your ear close enough to the beast you will surely hear the giant sucking sound. It’s the sound of all the world’s wealth being siphoned into the pits of hell.
Key point: up until now under this system of global finance there has always been a new feeding ground available to satisfy the beasts need to expand. Without expansion, it stalls and cannot sustain itself. Over the last several decades the world’s central banks have been able to find new resources to rape, new countries in which they can exploit cheap labour, and in the case of White countries we’ve always had plenty of assets to sell off. Well, we’re just about at the end of that cycle. The west is fucked. We’re sold, bankrupt, and essentially running on fumes, so to speak. The only reason our economy is still spluttering along is because the Chinese are acquiring all our assets. Without this “foreign investment” (read takeover) our economy is dead in the water. Once the Chinese are done buying up everything they’re interested in, there will be no more money pouring into our economy. This is when the party is officially over.
The earth is a finite quantity. The beast requires never-ending expansion. It can’t go on forever, unless these fucking jews plan on going interstellar! I doubt any other lifeforms on other planets would be stupid enough to put up with these jews, but who knows….
More on this topic in future.
-ETP Admin