Illegal Crackdown is the Best Thing that has Ever Happened to the Golden Dawn

More important news on the Golden Dawn, from Andre in Greece:

It's all part of the plan.

It’s all part of the plan.

As the situation on the ground in Greece continues to intensify, it has become clear this sloppy and totally illegal attempt by the Samaras government to crackdown on the Golden Dawn is the best thing that has ever, that could ever, happen to the rising nationalist party. Under heavy pressure from international Jewry, the government of Greece has poured gasoline on the fire of the cause of Greek nationalism.  An explosion is imminent.

On the back of a conviction by the media for a crime for which there was no evidence and which made no sense – the supposed ‘assassination’ of an irrelevant leftist rap artist during a soccer brawl – the Jews were unable to resist the chance of a coup.  In acting on this neurotic urge, they have vindicated everything that the Golden Dawn has been saying for the last thirty years about the nature of this sickeningly corrupt system of democracy and international capitalism. With this foolish show of unjustifiable force, the system has shown, that for all its talk about freedom and democracy, it exists solely to uphold the established order, which entails dictatorial rule over the masses by a small financial elite, and that it refuses to tolerate anyone who threatens this status quo.

Michaloliakos, Kasidiaris, Panayiotaros and Lagos, elected officials brutally dragged out in handcuffs by masked thugs based on unclear charges, are now martyrs. And this is not a status that can easily be stripped.

Criminal Greek Prime Minister Samaras being congratulated by the head of the American Jewish Committee, two days after the arrests.

Criminal Greek Prime Minister Samaras being congratulated by the head of the American Jewish Committee, two days after the arrests.

Several prominent legal scholars have come out and condemned the arrests as illegal. Greek law Professor George Katrougalos, of Democritus University, has called the government’s actions “extreme,” and questioned their legality. M. Dimitrakopoulos, a prominent Greek independent legal expert, has said that the ‘case’ will fall apart as soon as it gets to court.

Meanwhile, both the police and military are protesting, demanding on several websites that the entire government resign and turn over power to an interim military government, which brings the question of the likelihood of intervention by the military on the behalf of the Golden Dawn.  Though I do not think this is particularly likely at present, it surely speaks to the amount of pressure that is being put on the ruling powers to free these political prisoners.

When Samaras gets back from his romantic rendezvous with the top Jews of New York, he is going to have hell to deal with.

Behold, Dawn Rises

The people went along with the media circus which tried and convicted the Golden Dawn, but no one expected it to go as far as this.  The vast majority of Greeks despise their corrupt government, which has sold them out to foreign powers, right out in the open. The arrests, outlandish as they were, carried out by known criminals, have caused the opinion of the masses to begin to swing abruptly toward the Popular Nationalist Party, and this is going to make it impossible for them to hold them for the 18 months they are claiming to be able to hold them for.

The Golden Dawn leadership is likely going to be released by next week, as the shock wears off and people start demanding to know what the hell is going on in their supposed democracy.  The memory of the dead rapper has been overshadowed by the spectacle of the mass arrests – there is no more juice for the media to suck from it.

The Jews have backed themselves into a corner.  With the Golden Dawn framed as the feared enemy of the hated establishment, the May elections are going to show fantastic results for the party.

Surely, the Jews will not give up.  But the harder they push against the party, the more they are going to drive the masses towards them.  After this ill-planned, criminal assault on these popular, elected leaders, I don’t see how the Jews are going to be able to stop the Golden Dawn from taking over the government of Greece, short of a NATO military intervention.

These are highly interesting times, brothers.

Hail Victory.


I hope Andre is right!

– BDL1983

Golden Dawn Leadership Seized by Police in Soviet-Style Night Raid

From Total Fascism:

Golden Dawn MP Yiannis Lagos was arrested by the Jewish occupational army of Greece.

Yiannis Lagos was arrested by the Jewish occupational army of Greece.

The Jewish occupational government of Greece has arrested the leadership of the Golden Dawn on bizarre, trumped-up charges of “forming of a criminal organization.”

In a Soviet-style late night raid, the dissident politicians, including spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris, Ilias Panayiotaros and Ioannis Lagos and the Leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, along with 12 other members, were seized by police and dragged off to jail. This is the first time that sitting parliament members have been arrested since the fall of the military junta in 1974.

Presently, a search is underway for at least 20 other members of the party, including parliament members Christos Pappas and Nikos Michos.

Clearly, the goal is to have all of the leadership silenced, cut off from the party, for the purpose of throwing the body of the party into chaos. The intent, apparently, is to goad them into acts of violence against the government, which will then prove the media’s claim that the Popular Nationalist Party is some vague type of criminal cartel.

My hope is that members remain calm, and do not act recklessly. Protests which took place outside the police offices today appear to have remained peaceful.

Any form of violence right now would play directly into the hands of the Jews.  The party members I have talked to understand this, but with the standard that the media has set, where if any single person even loosely associated with the party commits an act of violence, the entire organization is held responsible, this is an incredibly sensitive and dangerous situation.

Behold Ye Men, That Great Power Behind the Throne

These arrests are completely illegal and ridiculous, and only possible because of the Jewish media barrage which took place 24 hours a day since the death of the leftist rapper Killah P less than two weeks ago.

There is no substance whatsoever in the government’s claim that the Golden Dawn is a “criminal organization.” It doesn’t even make sense. The party headquarters has been raided repeatedly, and no weapons have been found. Phone records have been grabbed, and there is no evidence that the leadership of the party had anything to do with the murder of the rapper, or any other act of violence which members of the party are alleged to have committed.

The ability to simply seize and arrest elected officials, for no clear reason, after having convicted them of a crime in the media, proves the extent of Jewish power in Western society.  It is beyond anything I myself was able to imagine.

What Next?

I didn’t think this would happen.  It is so extreme.  As I have said, I believe it is an attempt to bully the party into reckless acts.

I believe that any act of violence committed by the party, at this point, would be the worst possible thing which could happen.  Public opinion has been, for the time being, turned against the party.  I believe this will be temporary, and that in the long run, the way that the government has acted illegally against the party will serve to reenforce the idea behind the party in the minds of the masses.

However, if some members of the party do act with violence – or, perhaps much more likely, if the Jews stage a bombing and blame it on members of the party – then the country will likely explode. I have spent a lot of time with the members of this organization, and they are not even slightly afraid to give their lives for this idea.

Right now, the next hours are crucial.  I do not think it will be possible for the government to hold these politicians on such nonsensical charges for any significant period of time.  I am certain that the party is not so stupid as to be guilty of any of these things they are being accused of.  If nothing happens, upon their release, business will resume as usual.

We can only hope for the best.  Though in all honesty, it seems likely that Gates of Hell are cracking open.


The Jews are getting desperate, resorting to ever more extreme measures to suppress genuine opposition!

– BDL1983

To The Last Drop Of Blood

National Socialist eagle of inspiration!
National Socialist eagle of inspiration!

We truly do live in the most exciting of times. Our White race has never before faced such an enormous challenge in all its history; a fight for our very survival! Being 100% ‘against-the-wall’ and knowing that we must either fight and win……. or be exterminated….

Those are our choices. Win or DIE……. Choose!

For true inspiration we should look to the last days of WW2 when National Socialist Germany under Adolf Hitler threw literally everything at the enemies of our race. They fought until there were virtually no reserves left. It was a fight until the very end; the last drop of blood. They knew that the fight against the Jew-controlled enemy was one that meant death and terror for Germany should they lose. They knew. That’s why they fought like they did.

Now we are a fragmented race under attack in all our homelands throughout the world. We have the same enemy (the Jew) and an even bigger challenge. Subjugation and humiliation were the penalties Germany suffered after losing WW2, along with plenty of death. This time our race is going to have to win on a global scale. If we don’t win this fight, then our mighty White Race WILL DIE! There will be no more chances.

World War 2 and Hitler’s Germany showed us the correct way. NOW WE MUST STAND AND FIGHT!!




– BDL1983

A Few Random Bits and Pieces…..










dollys for internet


This is all that needs to be said to any Alex Jones follower:


Look at what these filthy Jews have to say:


Here’s the video of Barb saying the above (ugly old whore):


Rabbi Baruch Efrati

This sums it up:


I found a few of these in my random internet travels and others at O’Cathasaigh; The Vigilant One. They’re funny and true, except for the Barbara Spectre one and the Rabbi Baruch Efrati one…. They aren’t funny. They will make your blood boil!

In the same bundle of Jewish destroyers we can also add Jewess Anetta Kahane:


They are so ugly.

– BDL1983

Jewish Materialism MUST be Purged.

The mindset the Jews want us to all adopt.....
The mindset the Jews want us all to adopt…..

The thing that sickens our people more than anything else is the all-pervasive attitude of Jewish materialism. In the modern western world it is everywhere. It is to the point where it almost ‘oozes’ out of people. You can feel it everywhere around you. You know that at least 95% of people think and act in a purely materialistic manner with hardly a care in the world for any other facet of life. It’s quite amazing how things have gotten to how they are. In fact, it is a direct reflection of how dominant the ‘Jewish spirit’ has become amongst us. Materialism and selfishness are completely Jewish in spirit. The Jewish soul is completely absent of any sense of doing a hard day’s work, sacrificing for others, or any decency in general. It is all ‘dog-eat-dog’, get money no matter who you screw over, don’t worry about earning it; just get it and accumulate as many material possessions as you can! The luckier you are, the more power and status your money will buy you, considering this is the basis the rest of society operates on. If money and materialism didn’t rule, then people with the ‘Jewish materialistic spirit’ would never be allowed to attain positions of power. Society would be more of a ‘meritocracy’ where it would be very difficult to ‘buy-off’ the hierarchy. We would not be in the mess that we are in.

The almighty.....
The almighty…..

What sort of example should we set? How should we set it? What should we do in our everyday lives to get rid of the cancerous Jewish spirit of materialism?

For a start, we need to get rid of the idea that somehow ‘white collar’ work is superior to ‘blue collar’. This idea has been implanted by the Jews who don’t do any real work except for ‘white-collar’ crime. Nothing annoys me more than this pathetic attitude pedalled by soft weak ‘nancy-boys’ who prance around in suits and coats using ‘high-sounding’ intellectual words to justify their own uselessness to society. Needn’t think I’m suggesting a communistic attitude of complete disrespect for all management; I’m not. What I’m saying is that ‘white collar’ or those ‘steering the ship’ need to be worthy of their positions and capable of doing so. The same applies with the working class. A useless worker who does a sub-standard job should never be respected or tolerated either. A certain great German leader once said that the man doing physical work (properly) and ‘getting his hands dirty’ for his people is never a disgrace and is in fact undertaking one of the noblest tasks of man. This attitude and spirit is exactly what our modern western society sorely lacks; a will to physically get out there in the world and do things to uplift and better our race.

This is how we fight. You, too, must work for victory.
This is how we fight. You, too, must work for victory.

Most people reading this already know that Hitler was right (about everything); but this issue of attitude and spirit is often overlooked and everyone seems to go back to cursing the Jews and never taking a look at how they conduct their own lives. It is natural to simply blame those who are guilty of causing all the problems we have (the Jews) and never look inward at how we have allowed things to degenerate to the point they have. It takes ‘two-to-tango’ and we would never have gotten ourselves into this mess if we understood the fact that they are using their strength of exploiting and destroying others, against our weakness, which is the appeal of the ‘comfortable easy life’ that inevitably leads to stagnation and slow decline. Without our willing (and stupid) cooperation they would never have had a chance!

In order to combat and rid ourselves of Jewish materialism we must simply do the opposite! This involves analysing our own personal behaviour and identifying everything ‘Jewy’; then doing our best to purge it. No-one is perfect and we all have some vices, myself included. That is part of being human. The key point is that our lives should not revolve around seeking the next pointless thrill, if you know what I mean.

So what are the ‘Jewy’ materialistic things we should all look to rid ourselves of?

A Jew indulging himself!
A Jew indulging himself!

First of all: Debt! In the mad scramble to acquire everything all at once, most people fall into this trap laid by the Jew. It’s an extremely powerful weapon in the Jewish arsenal and it is their fraudulent method of getting us into a situation where we owe them. According to their rules, we should also pay extra for the privilege of them crediting our bank accounts; otherwise called Interest. They never have but a fraction of the money in reserves which they loan out; therefore most of it must come from thin air and then we are supposed to pay them back more money than they created in the first place. What? This is pure madness and the main part of the Jewish ‘Ponzi scheme’ power structure. If we never ‘played ball’ with this Jew money scheme to start with, it would never have worked in the first place! We should avoid debt unless we are seriously ‘up-against-the-wall’ and there is no other option.

Second: ‘Jewy’ work. What sort of work are we doing? If it is something useful and consistent with the ideals and character of the white race then that’s great! This generally means working in a productive sector of society like manufacturing or agriculture, or alternatively in providing essential services. I know how unappealing the Jews have made manufacturing and agricultural jobs for white people, but we must find a way back to doing real work somehow. It is difficult to make a living from working in these areas but it’s a lot better than turning up to some useless parasitic Jewish insurance company or bank dressed like a pencil-necked dork everyday! My plan is to manage my own agricultural business one day in the not-too-distant future. It’s useful productive work and not parasitic like ‘Jewy’ slave occupations. Doing real hard work not only gives you that feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction, but is the only way our race is ever going to move forward politically; so we had better get used to putting in effort to accomplish things! Real work will toughen us up as individuals for the fight ahead!


Pointless spending will leave you miserable!
Pointless spending will leave you miserable!

When your debt and work situations are under control, you can then focus on correcting other issues such as cutting out pointless spending on things you don’t need! (Pointless spending is the number one source of more debt, and so the thing just keeps going around in circles.) This all comes back to good old fashioned common sense. Spend some money to acquire what you need in life but don’t go nuts. Put aside a few dollars for whatever else you’re interested in and enjoy your life too! The Jews are always annoyed to see Goyim enjoying themselves!

This brings me to an important point regarding entertainment. I said above that life should not revolve around seeking the next pointless thrill. That statement stands correct; it shouldn’t, but that is not to say that you should never relax, have a couple beers, and ‘let-your-hair-down’. If I had to live my life with no ‘down-time’ and never allow myself to be ‘entertained’, I would have gone mad years ago! The point here is that doing things deemed non-constructive, or enjoying some form of entertainment, does not make you a Jew (unless we are talking about Hollywood movies which I hate). In fact, sitting at home being a miserable little ‘cashed-up, boring, dead-beat, goodie-two-shoes’, is by definition what a Jew would do because he’d save a few shekels that way! Actually a Jew would probably be busy devising a scheme to rob someone whilst sitting at home; so he wouldn’t be miserable, he’d probably be quite content!


Another aspect of life which should be focused on is getting into physical shape. Always remember that the SS and Wehrmacht did not consist of a bunch of dishevelled fat slobs. They were healthy, strong, and ready to fight! Getting rid of the flab and replacing it with muscle means less time for pointless material gluttony and more time spent improving and nurturing what nature gave you physically: a healthy and potentially strong white body to live in!

To me, being white means being strong, working hard, having a few beers, a sense of humour and rejecting the materialistic Jewish mindset which destroys everything our racial soul consists of.

– Brett

Also posted here:
