We, (insert western country’s name here), are officially a joke. The alleged leadership of this country is clinically insane. All they do nowadays is sit around trying to figure out novel ways of turning the entire population into pincushions – their only concern is injecting everyone with a poisonous concoction against a virus/disease that doesn’t exist and which everyone who get’s it doesn’t die from. They clearly have nothing better to do, and due to the fact that everything else in the country is fucked, the only thing left to do is turn a blind eye to any real concerns and focus on forcing the population into accepting a dystopian technocratic police state as the only possible future imaginable because a few people had the sniffles.
Get out of the system as much as is practical. Get out of the cities. Be useful and proactive – if you can look after yourself then you are on the right track. We are entering the “weathering the storm” phase of this Jew World Order agenda, and there will be no negotiating or bargaining with this ‘beast’.
Any society/economy dependent on government handouts and endless ‘stimulus’ is doomed. The government may as well just declare “everything is free (UBI-anyone?)”, stop giving people welfare/stimulus money, and just shuffle the money back and forth between the various government departments and big corporations. In effect, that’s all that happens anyway- why not cut us out as the middle man?
There is no economic recovery going on. Just mountains upon mountains of ‘stimulus’ money floating around giving the illusion that the economy is still functioning/viable.
They know this can’t go on much longer and that is why the Great Nightmare program is on standby. They wouldn’t be planning to implement it, if the current fiat system was set to be ‘revived’ in the future.
The direct and unprecedented scale of government intervention to prevent the immediate collapse of the economy this time last year, means that they now have the power to pull the pin at anytime. Society, on the whole, has completely surrendered any form of economic self-determination. This means the central banks and government will do it for you in the future, if you let them, otherwise strive for self-sufficiency.
We are now unproductive marxist welfare states. Massive QE and very little production equals rapidly devalued currencies worldwide. Prices will go through the roof and there’ll be very few real jobs because we are no longer a real economy- we are essentially service economies with an ever growing welfare burden. This is a recipe for disaster.
Buying and selling (flipping- if you like that word??) houses should not be the main thing that holds up the economy. When it is, your economy is officially a joke.
All the weird feminist, ‘anti-racist’, transgender, gay, multicultural bullshit is taking it’s toll. This jewish social engineering machine runs that many stupid contradictory ‘ideals’ (for want of a better word) through it’s own wiring, that it’s hard to see how they can sustain it much longer. A foundation built on lies is like a house of cards– these ones specifically:
Anyway, just a few important points I felt like rehashing. It all gets a bit repetitive doesn’t it?? But it’s important that people with ears to hear receive the correct message and prepare accordingly.
No. Better not do that!
Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel:
Well, they openly talk about it, therefore it’s no longer a conspiracy theory. Nonetheless, you’ll still be branded a nutter if you believe the global elite are planning to implement what they are planning to implement.
It goes something like “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”:
If you own nothing, they own everything. And judging by a quick look at the thumbs up to thumbs down ratio on the World Economic Forums YouTube channel, it seems people are intent on not being happy about it. Perhaps the vaccines will help create an even more mindless army of the undead- people capable of being happy with total slavery and zero freedom- like something out of Brave New World.
In the article the writer states that the system has reached the end of its usefulness. It sure has. The debt (funny money from thin air) and interest system has siphoned most of the worlds wealth into jewish hands. Since people can no longer pay back their debts, let alone the interest, there is nothing more that that system can offer other than what it’s doing right now- infinite QE. Cheap money to keep it afloat.
We have officially passed the tipping point. The commercial banking sector can’t seriously expect current debts and interest to ever be repaid. So, then, what is the point of them continuing that system? This is exactly why this Great Reset stuff is being suggested- they want a new system involving Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC’s). You will have to get the the strange anti-coronavirus potion injected into you (vaccine passport), then they’ll allow you to have a digital wallet with the central bank and you’ll get credit to spend in a certain specified time before it expires. How much CBDC you’ll be granted will depend on how much of a good boy or girl you’ve been and plan on being- akin to social credit scores. Put simply, The Great Reset is going to be The Great Nightmare.
And of course, the fake pandemic came along oh so conveniently to fit in with The Great Nightmare agenda. Never let a good crisis go to waste, and if there is no crisis, then create it yourself.
Flush it all away…. and replace it with something much worse – that’s the plan.
Back To Normal?
There is a certain pervasive feeling among most ‘normies’ that things will soon be ‘back to normal’ – it’s just a matter of getting over the coronavirus thing. If we get all the case numbers down to zero, then the authorities will be really happy with us and let us go back to doing what we were doing. Everything will be just like it was before.
The problem is that it doesn’t work like that, especially in the economic sense, but I’ll save the rant about that aspect for another day.
This Is Not About Some Virus
None of the stuff going on regarding this virus nonsense has anything to do with stopping a virus. That much is obvious since the measures put in place to supposedly stop it are all insane. Seriously, since when do we do ‘rolling lockdowns’ and shutdowns of the economy over cases of the sniffles? “What the fuck?” – this is the question I don’t hear uttered enough among people. Most normies seem to take it for granted that this corona response is a perfectly normal reaction to a flu nowadays. When did everything change? March this year, apparently. The TV told them that this completely unremarkable virus was super scary for some reason and they all bought it hook, line and sinker. It is truly amazing to me how people cannot see through this obvious nonsense. The virus is a mild flu at worst, so it’s not hard to figure there must be some other agenda being pushed. And that agenda is the jewish one world government agenda, a.k.a the New World Order.
If only there was a way to get through to normies… Now, despite the high amount of complicity and indifference to the ‘new way of life’ among the population, a fair number of them still seem to think the reaction to the coronavirus is a bit ‘over the top’ (putting it mildly lol), but they always try to reconcile the weird restrictions on everything with ‘tackling the virus’. They just can’t understand that other agendas could be at play. The whole lockdown, the weird restrictions and the social distancing crap – it only makes sense once you stop looking at it as though it’s there to stop a virus. It isn’t. It’s there so the jewish elite can trial and implement police state measures and have them at their ready for whenever civil unrest inevitably breaks out. That’s what it’s for – to crack down on YOU – should you happen to not like the economic collapse and your shit new standard of living. It is to stop people expressing their discontent with the ‘new normal’. The whole planet is basically a big testing ground at the moment. They are testing us to see what they can get away with.
How Naive Are People?
Just stop and think for a second. People are very gullible creatures. Most of them actually believe that their governments care about their health – the same people who just locked down the place and threw tons of people out of their jobs. How does destroying the economy and with it people’s livelihoods not negatively effect people’s health? Also, bear in mind these loving government people are in bed with the Bill Gates billionaire cabal of pharmaceutical companies and would just love to coerce or outright force you to be injected with one of his poisons (not to even mention the amount of money they stand to make via the vaccination program). Yes, Bill Gates and these giant fuck-arse billionaire pharma companies care about your health. How fucking gullible and naive is it possible to be? We have set all new records in this department in 2020, that’s for sure!
Desperate to control all and everything.
The Old Normal Is Gone And It Isn’t Ever Coming Back.
This is a tough nut for people to crack. ‘Normality is just around the corner once the corona is gone’- this is what most people believe and I can understand how they feel. A part of me sort of wants to believe that as well, but when you know what the jews have planned, it becomes easy to see where this is all headed. What the normies don’t understand is that for the past 75 years (and before of course) the jewish elite have been systematically undermining and destroying the foundation of our civilization. Since the 1960’s this culture of endless amusement and ‘life as one non-stop party‘ has been utilized to bring us to this point in history. It was all a plan to break us down and make us malleable to their New World Order. 2020, so it turns out, is the end point for the ‘never-ending party’ phase of history. It is no longer the direction the jewish elite wish to push us in, and for that reason alone it won’t be coming back.
We are now moving into a much more sinister, tyrannical phase of history, all under the auspices of a certain breed of ticks and leeches.
This is one of the most disgraceful things I’ve ever seen.
Here we have Victoria police entering the home of a normal white couple and arresting the pregnant woman over a very mild anti-lockdown protest post she made on Facebook. This is really what it’s come to: disagree with anything the government says and the cops will come and arrest you, charge you and humiliate you in front of your own children. I can barely put into words how angry seeing this makes me feel.
This is the post she made:
Now, you tell me whether this woman is some sort of terrible criminal deserving of the treatment she got?? She went to all the trouble of stressing how she wanted the protest to be legal by Virus Standards, yet still the pigs come a knocking.
This is absolute tyranny and it is thoroughly sickening to see.
We, as Australians, must all throw our support 100% behind people like Zoe and her family. Because you know what, if we don’t they’ll be coming for us next. The time for pretending that this isn’t some kind of sick tyranny based around some vague hoax virus is over. We absolutely must support people like Zoe and her family. These people are our OWN KIN being treated like shit in our OWN COUNTRY.
The most aggravating part of this whole affair is that these are WHITE police officers doing the arresting. They would do well to bear in mind that hellis a very hot place; you’ll probably need more than just a mask when you get there!
Bottom Line: This thing is crashing and it’s going to burn. Pick your side. Either you’re with the good guys like Zoe and her family or you’re with the tyranny. The time for fence sitting has evaporated.