We often hear the phrase ‘Might is Right’ among those who know about ‘Race’ and ‘The Jew’. So what exactly does this phrase mean? Is Might Right? What are we trying to describe when using this phrase?
This is what I think:
There are two lines of thought which need to be defined here:
1.) We can be talking about what is natural, i.e. Nature. All true philosophies are coherent with nature’s law; otherwise they eventually crumble under the weight of their internal contradictions. Nature is what it is; therefore Nature represents the forces of natural selection, survival of the fittest etc. Whatever occurs in Nature is natural, whether it is a desirable force or not. It just is.
2.) We could also be talking about a ‘Moral Code’ of right and wrong. In a technical sense, ‘right and wrong’ are abstract concepts which Nature pays no regard to. But this is only in a technical sense, since we are natural beings and have developed ethical codes by which we conduct our lives. For example: we don’t go murdering people, because it is wrong and unethical, and we do help people in need, because it is the decent thing to do. It’s all just basic common sense ‘right and wrong’.
The contradiction I see in the phrase ‘Might is Right’ is that ‘Might’ translates into ‘Force’, which is what governs the natural world, while the other half of the phrase says that it is ‘Right’. When we judge something to be right or wrong, we do so by our own moral concept of what right and wrong is. Nature doesn’t pay much regard to whether we like something or not. Whatever is meant to happen happens. If a good strong person gets struck down with a disease and dies an undeserved early death, is that ‘right’? Of course it isn’t, but Nature allowed it to happen. Clearly, we judge whether something is right or wrong by our own moral and ethical standards. Therefore, ‘Might’ is not necessarily ‘Right’, but it is most definitely ‘Reality’. The phrase ‘Might is Right’ is worded misleadingly and draws from each of the two lines of thought outlined above, respectively.
Does this mean that we National Socialists, who believe in Nature as our god, are bad, horrible people? Do we want cruel, brutal, and unjust things dealt by Nature to happen to unfortunate beings? Of course we don’t. We simply acknowledge that we are a part of Nature, and we will never master Nature. How arrogant and conceited would we have to be to believe that we know better than Nature? Nature created everything on this earth and is therefore the ultimate boss! How can we say that Nature’s seemingly random acts of cruelty and unfairness aren’t done for some unknown reason, like a ‘cruel-to-be-kind’ method of assisting a species to evolve upwardly? The point is: we don’t know all the mysteries or the reasoning of Nature. She is a mysterious creature who clearly has some different methods when compared to our ‘Moral Code of Ethics’ developed by us specifically. Our moral code only applies among our White Race, is unique to us, and in an overall sense, it is how we would desire Nature to be; i.e. fair, just, decent, equitable etc. The fact that Nature doesn’t reflect only us, but also everything else she created, is why we are outraged by some seemingly unjust natural occurrences.
National Socialists believe in ‘Reality’. Nature is our boss, our godhead if you like. Everything and everyone is a part of Nature’s great mysterious plan, whether we like it or not!
Sometimes ‘Might is Right’ according to morals and ethics, and other times it is cruel and brutal.
‘Might is Reality’.
That is the truth.
Right or wrong, there’s no escaping it!
Nature is God.
– BDL1983