The Golden Dawn in Australia

Golden Dawn Leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos

The idea of the Golden Dawn expanding and opening up chapters all over the world is something that will surely make Jewry tremble, worldwide. I sure hope so. All western nations are in desperate need of new, life-breathing political forces, such as the Golden Dawn. Natures’ law dictates that when any biological entity or race has been pulled too far away from its natural instincts, there inevitably will be a backlash against the trouble-maker! The rise of the Golden Dawn and other organisations with the same sort of political and spiritual platform are a historical necessity; just like how a rubber-band can only be stretched so much, until it snaps, and flicks back at you! The Jews have pushed, not just the White race, but everyone too far, and the rubber-band is not far from breaking. With a bit of luck, the recent arrest of the Golden Dawn leadership will only help strengthen our righteous movement in the long term.

From The Conversation, describing the Golden Dawn ‘Down Under’:

Melbourne has long been known as one of the biggest cities for Greek diaspora in the world, and the “world’s most liveable city” is fast becoming the latest battleground for the swelling fascist movement sweeping Greece.

Golden Dawn, the nascent political party capitalising on deep resentment to the European Union’s austerity measures, recently secured 18 seats in the national parliament. In further concerning developments, it is now looking beyond Greece to countries with a large Greek populations like Australia, England and Canada to broaden its political reach.

Typically described as fascist or a neo-Nazi movement, Golden Dawn is currently led by Nikolaos Michaloliakos, a Holocaust denier who has spent time in prison for attacking journalists and carrying illegal guns and explosives. Golden Dawn has been accused of sparking xenophobic violence by promoting anti-immigration policies, and its political symbol bears a striking resemblance to the swastika.

The group now plans to “create cells in every corner of the globe”, and as part of this plan has established a group in Australia to “fight and defend both of our countries with pride and honour“.

Reports suggest the group has more than 200 members and 3000 followers in Melbourne, and plans for Golden Dawn MPs to visit later this year have sparked a firestorm of protest from Greek communities and civil activists. Many prominent Greeks are attempting to prevent them from entering the country, but early indications suggest the government won’t deny them visas.

The rise of Golden Dawn is alarming. There is widespread anger in Greece at the austerity measures imposed by the government and the EU, and by tapping into this fury, movements such as Golden Dawn can draw a level of support previously unattainable.

Expanding the base beyond Greece is the obvious next step when you consider the Greek diaspora is estimated at over seven million, compared to the 11 million people living in Greece. Of the diaspora, 300,000 live in Melbourne alone, making it the world’s third largest Greek city. Many of these expats would now be relatively wealthy compared to those still living in Greece, and their support would go a long way to prop up the organisation financially and give it a sense of international legitimacy.

A telling paragraph toward the end of this article shows how the mainstream media likes to portray anyone who detects the Jewish machinery behind world politics. Speaking of ‘far-right’ extremists in Europe:

Like Golden Dawn, these groups typically espouse extreme right-wing positions of blaming migrants, detecting Jewish conspiracies in any successful business and communist sedition in anyone wearing a red t-shirt, it has no other discernable features.

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Also posted at the Daily Stormer:

– BDL1983

Golden Dawn Leadership Seized by Police in Soviet-Style Night Raid

From Total Fascism:

Golden Dawn MP Yiannis Lagos was arrested by the Jewish occupational army of Greece.

Yiannis Lagos was arrested by the Jewish occupational army of Greece.

The Jewish occupational government of Greece has arrested the leadership of the Golden Dawn on bizarre, trumped-up charges of “forming of a criminal organization.”

In a Soviet-style late night raid, the dissident politicians, including spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris, Ilias Panayiotaros and Ioannis Lagos and the Leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, along with 12 other members, were seized by police and dragged off to jail. This is the first time that sitting parliament members have been arrested since the fall of the military junta in 1974.

Presently, a search is underway for at least 20 other members of the party, including parliament members Christos Pappas and Nikos Michos.

Clearly, the goal is to have all of the leadership silenced, cut off from the party, for the purpose of throwing the body of the party into chaos. The intent, apparently, is to goad them into acts of violence against the government, which will then prove the media’s claim that the Popular Nationalist Party is some vague type of criminal cartel.

My hope is that members remain calm, and do not act recklessly. Protests which took place outside the police offices today appear to have remained peaceful.

Any form of violence right now would play directly into the hands of the Jews.  The party members I have talked to understand this, but with the standard that the media has set, where if any single person even loosely associated with the party commits an act of violence, the entire organization is held responsible, this is an incredibly sensitive and dangerous situation.

Behold Ye Men, That Great Power Behind the Throne

These arrests are completely illegal and ridiculous, and only possible because of the Jewish media barrage which took place 24 hours a day since the death of the leftist rapper Killah P less than two weeks ago.

There is no substance whatsoever in the government’s claim that the Golden Dawn is a “criminal organization.” It doesn’t even make sense. The party headquarters has been raided repeatedly, and no weapons have been found. Phone records have been grabbed, and there is no evidence that the leadership of the party had anything to do with the murder of the rapper, or any other act of violence which members of the party are alleged to have committed.

The ability to simply seize and arrest elected officials, for no clear reason, after having convicted them of a crime in the media, proves the extent of Jewish power in Western society.  It is beyond anything I myself was able to imagine.

What Next?

I didn’t think this would happen.  It is so extreme.  As I have said, I believe it is an attempt to bully the party into reckless acts.

I believe that any act of violence committed by the party, at this point, would be the worst possible thing which could happen.  Public opinion has been, for the time being, turned against the party.  I believe this will be temporary, and that in the long run, the way that the government has acted illegally against the party will serve to reenforce the idea behind the party in the minds of the masses.

However, if some members of the party do act with violence – or, perhaps much more likely, if the Jews stage a bombing and blame it on members of the party – then the country will likely explode. I have spent a lot of time with the members of this organization, and they are not even slightly afraid to give their lives for this idea.

Right now, the next hours are crucial.  I do not think it will be possible for the government to hold these politicians on such nonsensical charges for any significant period of time.  I am certain that the party is not so stupid as to be guilty of any of these things they are being accused of.  If nothing happens, upon their release, business will resume as usual.

We can only hope for the best.  Though in all honesty, it seems likely that Gates of Hell are cracking open.


The Jews are getting desperate, resorting to ever more extreme measures to suppress genuine opposition!

– BDL1983