Last night on the Televits there was a 15 minute segment titled “Thug Politics” on SBS’s “Dateline” program about the Golden Dawn. Here’s the link – http://www.sbs.com.au/dateline/story/watch/id/601692/n/Thug-Politics. They were naturally out to portray them as an evil “Neo-Nazi” movement… You know; “Oy Vey, ve is gedding some resistance from ze Goyim, boo hooo hoooo…” The usual Kosher BULLSHIT they spew over anyone who doesn’t like being robbed blind and having their nation destroyed.
Anyway, the point is that during this program, the presenters couldn’t fault the Golden Dawn and their politics in any way whatsoever! They used the usual accusations of them being ‘racist’, ‘xenophobic’, ‘neo-nazis’ etc.. etc… Essentially all the accusations rang hollow; there seemed to be no point in them even throwing out these smear terms… The presenters were the ones who looked stupid at the end of the little segment.
The Golden Dawn are simply out to restore Greece for Greeks and to hell with all the ‘immigrants’ and corrupt bankers and politicians who’ve done nothing but sell them out…… Apparently the members of this evil organisation were handing out “soup-bowls of hate” according to the Mayor in Athens….. To look after Greeks and exclude the immigrant scumbags from the soup-line is a bad thing…? They’ve got a disease called “Xenophobia” according to the Jew propaganda bullshit artists on TV!
At one point early on, the SBS reporter, Evan Williams, asked Golden Dawn Deputy Commander ‘Ilias Panagiotaros’ (I think it was him anyway) a pretty stupid question; along the lines of “critics say the Golden Dawn is a violent organisation, what do you say to this?” and Ilias responded “screw them!” Now that’s the attitude Nationalist groups need to take with all the “critics”! SCREW THEM, don’t let the Marxist liars control the narrative!
The best that SBS could do to make the Golden Dawn look bad was to show the bit where the Golden Dawn politician slaps that woman on national TV…. “Oooooh, see, they’re sexist woman haters too!” And of course there was a shitty attempt at invoking thoughts of the Holohoax, with the one Greek man sarcastically saying he would like to turn their enemies into lampshades and soap!!! Pretty funny stuff eh.
They briefly flashed their camera over the Golden Dawns evil neo-nazi propaganda books, (including a Greek translation of G.L. Rockwells brilliant book “White Power”) showing a few swastikas in the periphery to try reinforce the Jew propaganda line on things.

Above: the cover of a Golden Dawn magazine paying respect to the National Socialists.
All in all, the Dateline segment didn’t do anything much to destroy the Golden Dawns image… Any right thinking person couldn’t possibly fault them for wanting to feed and take care of THEIR OWN PEOPLE and destroy the power of the BANKERS AND POLITICIANS who’ve sold them out…. It’s Natures way of correcting the wrongs inflicted on the Greek Nation by International Jewry…
May the National Socialist spirit in which this party operates take over all our “White” nations!
– BDL1983