We a Free Men: Kasidiaris, Panagiotaros and Michos Released!

Golden Dawn news from Total Fascism:

Let us take a moment to celebrate the first of what is no doubt going to be a long streak of victories for the greatest nationalist party to exist since 1945.

Free men.

Free men.

Yesterday, I predicted that the criminal Zionist Occupational Government of Greece, having overplayed its hand, would not succeed in holding the illegally kidnapped leadership of the Golden Dawn past next week.  Today, three of the MPs – Ilias Kasidiaris, Ilias Panagiotaros and Nikos Michos – were released from detention, to the disdain of the media and the cheers Greek of the people.


The three men, along with Ioannis Lagos, had been testifying before an investigative magistrate in a court session that began yesterday afternoon and stretched through the night, ending this morning.

Lagos, Pappas and the Leader, Nikos Michaloliakos, are still being held.  But it isn’t going to be long before they’re released as well.

Nonsensical Charges and No Evidence

Kasidiaris was released a 50k euro bail, while the other two lawmakers were freed without bail being set.  The release, unexpected by the government which kidnapped them, signals the imminent collapse of the idiotic charges against them, which, in the court session, Panagiotaros accurately dubbed a “fairy tale.”

Golden Dawn is going to be in a position to launch a major lawsuit against the government for this illegal kidnapping and detention, and we should assume that there will be criminal charges brought against the government as well.

Interior Minister Yiannis Michelakis, an agent of the Jews, appeared on Skai television to claim that the release wasn’t really that big of a deal, saying “This essentially changes nothing. The charges stand, the investigation is ongoing and the evidence is being gathered.”

But the charges make no sense and there is no evidence.  This is why they were released – there was ‘insufficient’ evidence to hold them.  The Jews acted with neurotic furor, and they will pay the price.

“It is clear that the judiciary has refused to follow the orders of a government enslaved to foreigners,” said a statement posted on the party’s official website after this morning’s court decision to free the MPs. “This unconstitutional, blatantly illegal government conspiracy is collapsing under the huge weight of truth and common sense.”

Mark my words: The Golden Dawn will rule Greece, and through this, they will guide the European race into a new Golden Age.  God and the Universe have decreed it, and so must it be.

Before hailing a taxi and taking off to celebrate this great victory, Michos explained to the media how this is going to work, in no uncertain terms, “Only with bullets will you stop us, and we will rise from our graves.  Beware of that.”

Fear, ye Jews, for the end of your reign over our Great Race draws ever more nigh.

Hail Victory!

Source: http://www.totalfascism.com/we-a-free-men-kasidiaris-panagiotaros-and-michos-released/

Some great news out of Greece. Inspiring stuff!!


– BDL1983

The Golden Dawn in Australia

Golden Dawn Leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos

The idea of the Golden Dawn expanding and opening up chapters all over the world is something that will surely make Jewry tremble, worldwide. I sure hope so. All western nations are in desperate need of new, life-breathing political forces, such as the Golden Dawn. Natures’ law dictates that when any biological entity or race has been pulled too far away from its natural instincts, there inevitably will be a backlash against the trouble-maker! The rise of the Golden Dawn and other organisations with the same sort of political and spiritual platform are a historical necessity; just like how a rubber-band can only be stretched so much, until it snaps, and flicks back at you! The Jews have pushed, not just the White race, but everyone too far, and the rubber-band is not far from breaking. With a bit of luck, the recent arrest of the Golden Dawn leadership will only help strengthen our righteous movement in the long term.

From The Conversation, describing the Golden Dawn ‘Down Under’:

Melbourne has long been known as one of the biggest cities for Greek diaspora in the world, and the “world’s most liveable city” is fast becoming the latest battleground for the swelling fascist movement sweeping Greece.

Golden Dawn, the nascent political party capitalising on deep resentment to the European Union’s austerity measures, recently secured 18 seats in the national parliament. In further concerning developments, it is now looking beyond Greece to countries with a large Greek populations like Australia, England and Canada to broaden its political reach.

Typically described as fascist or a neo-Nazi movement, Golden Dawn is currently led by Nikolaos Michaloliakos, a Holocaust denier who has spent time in prison for attacking journalists and carrying illegal guns and explosives. Golden Dawn has been accused of sparking xenophobic violence by promoting anti-immigration policies, and its political symbol bears a striking resemblance to the swastika.

The group now plans to “create cells in every corner of the globe”, and as part of this plan has established a group in Australia to “fight and defend both of our countries with pride and honour“.

Reports suggest the group has more than 200 members and 3000 followers in Melbourne, and plans for Golden Dawn MPs to visit later this year have sparked a firestorm of protest from Greek communities and civil activists. Many prominent Greeks are attempting to prevent them from entering the country, but early indications suggest the government won’t deny them visas.

The rise of Golden Dawn is alarming. There is widespread anger in Greece at the austerity measures imposed by the government and the EU, and by tapping into this fury, movements such as Golden Dawn can draw a level of support previously unattainable.

Expanding the base beyond Greece is the obvious next step when you consider the Greek diaspora is estimated at over seven million, compared to the 11 million people living in Greece. Of the diaspora, 300,000 live in Melbourne alone, making it the world’s third largest Greek city. Many of these expats would now be relatively wealthy compared to those still living in Greece, and their support would go a long way to prop up the organisation financially and give it a sense of international legitimacy.

A telling paragraph toward the end of this article shows how the mainstream media likes to portray anyone who detects the Jewish machinery behind world politics. Speaking of ‘far-right’ extremists in Europe:

Like Golden Dawn, these groups typically espouse extreme right-wing positions of blaming migrants, detecting Jewish conspiracies in any successful business and communist sedition in anyone wearing a red t-shirt, it has no other discernable features.

Read More

Also posted at the Daily Stormer:

– BDL1983

Frydenberg sworn in as Abbott’s go-to man

Josh Frydenberg

JEWISH Liberal MP Josh Frydenberg has described his appointment as Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister as a “real privilege”.

A rising star in the party, the Member for Kooyong in Victoria was sworn in, along with the rest of Abbott’s inaugural ministry, yesterday (Wednesday).

Frydenberg is just the second Jewish Liberal parliamentarian to serve in a government after Peter Baume, who held a number of ministerial positions in the early 1980s under Malcolm Fraser.

Speaking to The AJN prior to the ceremony, Frydenberg said the appointment was unexpected.

“We’ve worked hard over the last three years, and it is terrific that Tony Abbott and the team have been elected to government,” he said.

“To get the call yesterday was a real thrill and to be Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister will be a real privilege.”

He added that he was “very conscious of the workload” in the role, where he’ll have a particular responsibility for the government’s deregulation agenda.

“That’s the Coalition’s commitment, to cut $1 billion a year in red and green tape, to create a more efficient government and more productive businesses,” he explained.

“And so that will be a real focus for me, an economic focus that is important for the country.”

Read More: http://www.jewishnews.net.au/frydenberg-sworn-in-as-abbotts-go-to-man/32456

Well, isn’t that a heartwarming story? Glad we were all forced to vote! It makes such a difference…….

“Frydenberg made his pledge using the Bible given to him by the late Sir Zelman Cowen.” – A Bible eh; I hope he’s said his Kol-Nidre Prayer! Haha

– BDL1983