Now that it looks like we’re all going to spend eternity in isolation, I thought it pertinent to write something analyzing how our ‘new normal’ is going to destroy human mental health and drive everyone nuts.
The Rug Has Been Pulled

As far as rug pulling goes, this has been a fairly sudden rug pulling. It was always going to happen, but the question was how long and drawn out would the economic disaster be? True, the economic disaster is only just beginning so we can’t really answer that question, but this decision to put most of the world under lock-down quarantine all because of some gay little flu is a bold one to say the least.
There’s Nothing Particularly Worrying About This Strain of Flu

Six weeks ago you could be forgiven for thinking that maybe this was a particularly nasty flu and that if allowed to spread around the globe it would cause us all sorts of problems, but not now. According to the figures which I can’t be bothered quoting (you look it up!), the coronavirus is killing about 1 in 6 people over 80 (who test positive) and nearly always with prior health conditions. The death rate they give gets less and less the younger you go. Same old story with every flu. Even ads on the radio tell us that it’s a mild flu that most people recover quickly from. Well yeah, no shit! 5 in 6 people over 80 SURVIVE IT, so how in the hell can anyone believe it is Black Death all over again? And this is not to mention that their official coronavirus death rates are given against total positive tests, whereas normal flu mortality rates are done using a fair sampling of the population to gauge actual infection rates, not just those who ended up getting tested. Therefore the real coronavirus death rate is going to be much lower in reality.
What Should Our Noble Leaders Have Done To Prevent Us From Being Confined To Our Isolation Prisons Forever?
When this coronavirus thing was first splashed around in the media as though it were a death plague, the obvious thing our “leaders” should have done would have been to close the border immediately. That shouldn’t have even been a question. Then you go back through all the travel records for people who have traveled to and from Wuhan in the previous month or so, quarantine and test them all as a preventative and so you know whether the virus has already likely escaped into the local population. At least that would have been a rational response to the situation.
But no. We chose the option of umming and arrrring for a bit, then doing nothing much, then finally putting a stop to the Chinese coming here after they’d already brought the virus to our shores. Then finally we closed our borders, but not before we had the virus safely spreading among our population. You see, it would have been racist back in late January to just close the borders, independent of other countries (you need jew approval before doing these sorts of things). Now, owing to this fine sequence of decision making, the government (and all the other ones around the world for that matter) decided it would be best to implement a gradual restrictive clampdown on the population as a response to their mistake. At first it was only 500 allowed at outdoor gatherings and 100 indoor or something like that. It was all sort of half-arsed and no one cared about it at the time (early March). Then it was standing a metre or so away from everyone- yeah “just ignore that bullshit” was the attitude. Then all of a sudden they upped the restrictions every couple of days by an order of magnitude, and within a fortnight we’re all fucked, everything is shut, everything is illegal, hardly anyone has jobs anymore, and we’re all sitting at home on our arses in self-isolation wondering what the fuck happened!?!?!
Isolation Planet: How Is Our New Social System Going To Work And What Exciting Prospects Lie Ahead?
The new social system of self-isolation, social distancing, joblessness, no entertainment of any sort, and the fact you can’t go anywhere because it’s probably illegal and there’s nothing open which you can go to anyway, is clearly insane from the get go; now ADD THE FACT that this is all going to linger for an indefinite period of time…. It just might make people a little ‘edgy’ dare I say. If I were a psychologist I’d say it’s a pretty dangerous social experiment these jews are up to.
Slight Digression Then Back To Isolation
If you don’t drink, then you should. If you do drink, then no worries:


If you don’t like Led Zeppelin, then just listen to it until you do. Put this on as you read the rest of this article:
Now: Back To Isolation Planet
1.) Self-Isolation
This of course has nothing to do with preventing you conversing with others down the pub and discovering that they too hate the people causing this economic and social disaster. How dare you even notice the pubs are shut?! It is all to protect you from a mild flu- now go home like a compliant little weakling and sit in your box, stare at the wall and wait to die.
2.) Social Distancing
This is to train you to think of your fellow man (or woman) as nothing but a potential virus carrying entity. Imagine that. A bunch of jews demolishing the global economy and destroying everyone’s lives, whilst simultaneously they have the chutzpah to insinuate that WE are the virus carrying unclean ones. Boy is that rich coming from the people who truly are the world’s #1 virus! Anyway, some young girl gave me change and a receipt at the supermarket last week and handed it to me in a manner which gave me the impression I was some dirty unclean creature! It’s not her fault, she probably is concerned about the stupid Corona. I just hate the way this hysteria has almost instantly changed peoples behaviour toward each other. If we’re all that worried about fucking airborne snot, then we should all just wear masks as long as Corona is supposedly a threat and forget this social distance bullshit. Also, seeing the tape marks on the ground where you’re allowed to stand while in line at the supermarket or grog shop gives me the fucking shits!
Bottom line– social distancing rules are going to drive people fucking nuts the longer it drags on. If you spend most of your time on your own in fucking isolation, the last thing you do when you encounter someone to talk to is ‘keep your distance‘ or avoid them. I can tell you this for a fact only a couple weeks into this bullshit!
3.) Joblessness
I’m one of the few who is only partially jobless, as of now; we’ll review that one in a month or so. At least when you’re partially jobless you have time to write things I suppose.
It’d be fair to say that before Isolation Planet replaced the planet formerly known as Earth, that most people’s jobs were basically wage slavery, but the sort of slavery that allowed you enough to exist and have a reasonably comfortable life (maybe, scraping by). Jobs also provided some sort of purpose, something to do, in an otherwise soulless, materialist, consumerist wasteland of pointless thrills. Now lots of people, and I mean lots, don’t have jobs anymore. So this means no purpose, no ability to earn a livelihood, no social contact because that’s nearly illegal, and just a wall to stare at at home. It’s not hard to see where this leads: suicide and depression on a scale we’ve never seen before in history.
4.) No Entertainment Anymore Or Sports To Play
The cancelling of everything, all events, festivals, concerts, sports etc is a thing that I have mixed opinions over. I am happy that the bullshit of worshiping sports stars and whatever gay weirdo festivals there were have been cancelled. On the flip side, I am not happy that all potential for anything good to be produced has also been cancelled, however little there may have been of late. The cancelling of sports to play is probably the worst thing for people’s mental health. People need outlets. Sport or physical activity in general is a great way of satisfying that need. Without it, people will go fucking nuts.
5.) The Fact That There’s Nothing To Do Because Everything Is Shut
This is a total disaster for people who live alone and are already isolated, trust me, I know. We are supposed to live as a community, and that by it’s very nature means in direct social contact with other humans. We are being deprived of that under this wonderful ‘new normal’ forced upon us as of two weeks ago.
6.) Indefinite Duration of Isolation Planet
Want to add something torturous to the human psyche which in combination with the above five points will drive people round the bend? Then just tell them it could go on indefinitely! You want to see mad? Imagine where we’ll be in 6 or 7 months if it goes that long?
7.) You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

If we bundle the above SIX POINTS together as the overall package the jews have offered us; well, it paints a pretty bleak picture of the near future.
The suicide rate, murder rate, general insanity rate, crime rate, and not to mention domestic violence and depression rates- they are all going to go through the roof!
I think suicide numbers as a result of Isolation Planet are going to increase very rapidly due to our new sense of never-ending impending doom, but we probably won’t hear much about that. The stories of insanity that are bound to come out of this mess as it drags on may be the silver lining on it all. It should be fun! People really will go nuts, you better believe it!
This is the sort of thing I hope we see more of:
I don’t know everything, but I do know this: the jews are going to push people to the brink with this shit and they will eventually reap what they’ve sown.
Finally, no one would have expected this, but Barbara Lerner Spectre has even weighed in on the new state of affairs:
I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time the people on this planet have not yet learned how to be truly Isolated. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Planet Earth is not going to have societies where human interaction is considered normal, or even legal. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for the planet to make. We are now going into an accelerated Isolation mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, the planet will not survive.
Strange times ahead on Isolation Planet.
-ETP Admin.
Looks like shit has finally hit the fan. In the few years that I have subsisted on this planet (22 ) never have I seen anything like this snafu. The laws that the Aussie government have legislated are very draconian, especially for a disease which has a high recovery rate. The media has blown this WAAAAYYYY out of proportion and have managed to scare the bejesus out of the zombie populace that takes mainstream news to be canon. I just graduated from uni and can’t find work because of this absolute mayhem. I even tried applying for volunteer roles but everyone is scared shitless and said they’ll get back to me after this all blows over. I have to rely on the dole to get by. I hate having to rely on the goddamn state for money but I have no choice.
Is this the beginning of the end? Will this lead to some financial collapse? According to a South African Boer clairvoyant called Siener van Rensburg (lived from 1864 to 1926) World War 3 will take place before a massive global financial collapse. He was correct when he predicted the first two world wars and even predicted the massive sudden influx of refugees into Europe that occurred a couple of years back. Could this be the collapse he was referring to? Have our overlords finally decided to hit the reset button and let it all burn? Only time will tell. I’m not sure how seriously you would consider an apparent prophecy by some farmer, but considering his track record, he might be on to something. Have a geez into some of what he’s said. Or just call me nuts, I probably am hahahha. Oh by the way VICE (I know they are a bunch of lefty tossers) did a doco about how the one percent are buying luxurious properties in New Zealand which could potentially have doomsday bunkers built into them so that they could escape in the event of some massive crisis. The video’s called “Hunting the One Percent’s Doomsday Bunkers in New Zealand.”
“Is this the beginning of the end? Will this lead to some financial collapse?”
Yep. I believe it is the start of the global system of international trade and commerce unraveling. I think what they’ll do is keep these restrictions on us for the next 6 months or so (maintaining the virus threat no matter what), and then once all the local economies around the world have collapsed and people are getting desperate for an end to the insanity of sitting at home, no work, food shortages etc, that’s when the international jew will offer his “solution”, his new international system, probably a forced vaccine and then they might ease restrictions if you are an obedient slave… The good thing about this is that even though the beast will still have total control over the new system, he has significantly weakened himself through being forced to demolish most of his previous house of cards.
Good luck with things.
Well like Aidhan used to say on his site, most whites are inferior that’s why they believe this corona virus crap. The way I see it, if you’re not strong enough to handle a flu then you don’t deserve to live anyway. No wonder the Jews call them Goyim. Only the Nordic race has the intelligence and even many Nordic British people I know listen to nigger rap. I even saw one kid who looked like a perfect Aryan, doing a nigger rap dance from a music video. And half the women are out fucking niggers. But there must be some genetic reason why people aren’t like us. I remember hating niggers as long as I can remember. I never liked foreigners.
I gave up on this stuff recently. No point even trying anymore. Now I just go to work everyday, come home. What’s the point of bothering when people are so stupid? Anyway keep fighting the good fight brother. God bless 14/88