The issue of Christianity seems to be a never-ending topic of argument and division. People in this White Nationalist/ Jew-Wise ‘movement’ who are otherwise rational intelligent beings, just cannot put this issue aside and work together against the Eternal Jew. Why the fuck is this?


Jesus Christ: He is never depicted as “Jewy” looking….. Very Aryan actually…..Interesting…..

The way I see Christianity is that it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It is a firmly entrenched part of White civilisation and is the common mans ‘spiritual safe-haven’. There is absolutely, positively no way to get rid of it. It just isn’t going to happen! So what those in the WN/JW ‘movement’ should focus on doing is morphing it into something compatible with our beliefs. The question we need to ask ourselves is ‘how do we get Christianity to serve our interests?’ If you take into account the various denominations of Christianity you will see that to call someone simply a Christian is to paint them with a very broad brush. Orthodox, Catholic, Christian Zionist, Christian Identity etc…. You get the point. On most radio shows I listen to, which I’ll get to in a second, the hosts often use far too broader paint brushes and end up confusing the issue. To have one host wanting to destroy Christianity because ‘modern’ Christians support the Jews and another host upholding Christianity because they are CI, and arguing about it, is fucking stupid! Clearly, the latter CI guy believes in a very different form of Christianity than the first one, who is referring to the Christian Zionist types. We must make clear distinctions between the different types of Christianity out there!

My personal view is this: I say we take the Christian Identity theology, regardless of whether it’s true or not, and try to morph the modern ‘universalist’ or Christian Zionist forms into something more along the lines of Christian Identity.  At least the CI adherents are strongly pro-white and anti-Jewish!! How we actually ‘morph’ Christianity is anyone’s guess. I have no fucking idea how to do that!!!


Regarding Christian Identity: I think they raise some valid points about the real historical origins of Christianity, but on the other hand I see compelling reasons to reject the CI historical narrative based on any number of bible quotes…….  CI is probably half true and half misleading. The thing is though; I don’t see the misleading bits as being harmful to our pro-white anti-Jewish cause. So, whatever…. Who knows? Maybe CI is correct? I don’t know. Either way you look at it, we don’t have time to endlessly argue over it….

Radio Host Reviews on how they handle Christianity:

Renegade: As a network I think they handle the issue poorly. There is no expunging Christianity from our White consciousness anytime soon; so forget about it. I like all the hosts at Renegade, especially Kyle Hunt and Mike Sledge, but all the constant anti-Christian stuff will get them nowhere… I suggest they change direction and look at ways to morph Christianity….

John Friend: This man is the fairest toward all on this issue and it’s a credit to him for always hearing both sides of the argument. Everyone should take a leaf out of John Friends book on how to conduct themselves..

Andre Anglin: I don’t have any problem with his stance of not wanting to discuss it. It’s counterproductive….

Scott Roberts & Mike Delaney: I’ve never heard Scott or Mike push Christianity and Mike is Christian Identity! Mike never gets bent out of shape about the CI stuff and Scott isn’t fussed over religion; correct stance gentlemen!

Rich & Keith: They take the same stance as Andre. Fair Enough!

Rodney Martin: I think he adheres to a traditional form of ‘Christianity’. I can’t remember which. It’s never been a problem with his pro-white anti-Jewish outlook.

As a final thought:

Scott, Mike and Andre said something very important in a recent show: No ‘White’ leaders have ever accomplished anything by attacking Christianity in its entirety. Take a look at Hitler, Rockwell, and Pierce; they all had criticisms of Christianity but they would never have tried to remove it from White cultural life….. That’s an impossible task, and precisely why I believe it needs to be altered significantly to serve our pro-white anti-Jewish agenda…… Go figure eh!

Anyway, that’s my two cents on this issue for what it’s worth…….

– BDL1983

7 thoughts on “CHRISTIANITY: DO WE NEED IT?”

  1. Well said! I like talking about this stuff, it’s interesting to me, and I think the CI historical perspective is spot on, to be quite honest. But you’re right – people just tend to get all bent out of shape over religion and Christianity in general. It’s stupid and immature if you ask me. I’d like to think we can discuss this stuff as rational mature adults who care about our race and ancestors! Dana and Eli James did that on my radio program recently. Maybe we can do something like that again in the future.

    1. That’s the thing man…. It is interesting. If people are going to discuss religion then they should go about it in a civilised manner like both Dana and Eli did on your show!

  2. I just wrote some articles related to this. The real religion of whites is the white aesthetic. The Ancient Greek gods, the westernized blue-eyed Jesus, the Renaissance, and the new age white angels all express a beautification and veneration of the white race. My articles make that explicit. So, Christian imagery is fine if you understand that art IS religion which is the beautification and veneration of the white race. Modern art, by contrast, is the vilification, deconstruction, and obliteration of the white race. That’s iconoclasm, which we can now regard as atheism. In other words, philosophic atheists can be believers in the beauty of the white race, while Christian iconoclasts, like the Rockefellers, can hate whites and give modern art millions. The real demarcation is between believes and non-believers in the white aesthetic. When the divine is the stylized Aryan form found only in art, there are many paths to the divine. Doctrines become moot, so long as, you beautify the white race. Christianity has no monopoly on beautification. Semitic iconoclasm is the enemy. We can’t let others control our self-image. http://whiteliberty.US

      1. Thanks for the article. I’ve been thinking of writing a short manifesto emphasizing the definition of art (“art is the beautification and veneration of the white race”) and putting it in envelops to art schools students. This would be a low-cost guerrilla activism that might so shock the students and create discussion that might spread across the country. Maybe a pipe dream, but it’s what little revolutions are made of.

        1. I think it sounds like a really good idea actually!
          “art is the beautification and veneration of the white race” – Very true….. 14/88 man!

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