We a Free Men: Kasidiaris, Panagiotaros and Michos Released!

Golden Dawn news from Total Fascism:

Let us take a moment to celebrate the first of what is no doubt going to be a long streak of victories for the greatest nationalist party to exist since 1945.

Free men.

Free men.

Yesterday, I predicted that the criminal Zionist Occupational Government of Greece, having overplayed its hand, would not succeed in holding the illegally kidnapped leadership of the Golden Dawn past next week.  Today, three of the MPs – Ilias Kasidiaris, Ilias Panagiotaros and Nikos Michos – were released from detention, to the disdain of the media and the cheers Greek of the people.


The three men, along with Ioannis Lagos, had been testifying before an investigative magistrate in a court session that began yesterday afternoon and stretched through the night, ending this morning.

Lagos, Pappas and the Leader, Nikos Michaloliakos, are still being held.  But it isn’t going to be long before they’re released as well.

Nonsensical Charges and No Evidence

Kasidiaris was released a 50k euro bail, while the other two lawmakers were freed without bail being set.  The release, unexpected by the government which kidnapped them, signals the imminent collapse of the idiotic charges against them, which, in the court session, Panagiotaros accurately dubbed a “fairy tale.”

Golden Dawn is going to be in a position to launch a major lawsuit against the government for this illegal kidnapping and detention, and we should assume that there will be criminal charges brought against the government as well.

Interior Minister Yiannis Michelakis, an agent of the Jews, appeared on Skai television to claim that the release wasn’t really that big of a deal, saying “This essentially changes nothing. The charges stand, the investigation is ongoing and the evidence is being gathered.”

But the charges make no sense and there is no evidence.  This is why they were released – there was ‘insufficient’ evidence to hold them.  The Jews acted with neurotic furor, and they will pay the price.

“It is clear that the judiciary has refused to follow the orders of a government enslaved to foreigners,” said a statement posted on the party’s official website after this morning’s court decision to free the MPs. “This unconstitutional, blatantly illegal government conspiracy is collapsing under the huge weight of truth and common sense.”

Mark my words: The Golden Dawn will rule Greece, and through this, they will guide the European race into a new Golden Age.  God and the Universe have decreed it, and so must it be.

Before hailing a taxi and taking off to celebrate this great victory, Michos explained to the media how this is going to work, in no uncertain terms, “Only with bullets will you stop us, and we will rise from our graves.  Beware of that.”

Fear, ye Jews, for the end of your reign over our Great Race draws ever more nigh.

Hail Victory!

Source: http://www.totalfascism.com/we-a-free-men-kasidiaris-panagiotaros-and-michos-released/

Some great news out of Greece. Inspiring stuff!!


– BDL1983

Golden Dawn Leadership Seized by Police in Soviet-Style Night Raid

From Total Fascism:

Golden Dawn MP Yiannis Lagos was arrested by the Jewish occupational army of Greece.

Yiannis Lagos was arrested by the Jewish occupational army of Greece.

The Jewish occupational government of Greece has arrested the leadership of the Golden Dawn on bizarre, trumped-up charges of “forming of a criminal organization.”

In a Soviet-style late night raid, the dissident politicians, including spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris, Ilias Panayiotaros and Ioannis Lagos and the Leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, along with 12 other members, were seized by police and dragged off to jail. This is the first time that sitting parliament members have been arrested since the fall of the military junta in 1974.

Presently, a search is underway for at least 20 other members of the party, including parliament members Christos Pappas and Nikos Michos.

Clearly, the goal is to have all of the leadership silenced, cut off from the party, for the purpose of throwing the body of the party into chaos. The intent, apparently, is to goad them into acts of violence against the government, which will then prove the media’s claim that the Popular Nationalist Party is some vague type of criminal cartel.

My hope is that members remain calm, and do not act recklessly. Protests which took place outside the police offices today appear to have remained peaceful.

Any form of violence right now would play directly into the hands of the Jews.  The party members I have talked to understand this, but with the standard that the media has set, where if any single person even loosely associated with the party commits an act of violence, the entire organization is held responsible, this is an incredibly sensitive and dangerous situation.

Behold Ye Men, That Great Power Behind the Throne

These arrests are completely illegal and ridiculous, and only possible because of the Jewish media barrage which took place 24 hours a day since the death of the leftist rapper Killah P less than two weeks ago.

There is no substance whatsoever in the government’s claim that the Golden Dawn is a “criminal organization.” It doesn’t even make sense. The party headquarters has been raided repeatedly, and no weapons have been found. Phone records have been grabbed, and there is no evidence that the leadership of the party had anything to do with the murder of the rapper, or any other act of violence which members of the party are alleged to have committed.

The ability to simply seize and arrest elected officials, for no clear reason, after having convicted them of a crime in the media, proves the extent of Jewish power in Western society.  It is beyond anything I myself was able to imagine.

What Next?

I didn’t think this would happen.  It is so extreme.  As I have said, I believe it is an attempt to bully the party into reckless acts.

I believe that any act of violence committed by the party, at this point, would be the worst possible thing which could happen.  Public opinion has been, for the time being, turned against the party.  I believe this will be temporary, and that in the long run, the way that the government has acted illegally against the party will serve to reenforce the idea behind the party in the minds of the masses.

However, if some members of the party do act with violence – or, perhaps much more likely, if the Jews stage a bombing and blame it on members of the party – then the country will likely explode. I have spent a lot of time with the members of this organization, and they are not even slightly afraid to give their lives for this idea.

Right now, the next hours are crucial.  I do not think it will be possible for the government to hold these politicians on such nonsensical charges for any significant period of time.  I am certain that the party is not so stupid as to be guilty of any of these things they are being accused of.  If nothing happens, upon their release, business will resume as usual.

We can only hope for the best.  Though in all honesty, it seems likely that Gates of Hell are cracking open.

Source: http://www.totalfascism.com/golden-dawn-leadership-seized-by-police-in-soviet-style-night-raid/

The Jews are getting desperate, resorting to ever more extreme measures to suppress genuine opposition!

– BDL1983

Anti-Fascist Hip-Hop Artist Stabbed To Death…. (Who Cares?)

White women are being raped and terrorised throughout Europe by Blacks and Arabs as a result of Jewish-led Communist ‘Multikulti’ policies and we are supposed to sit here, watch our Race be destroyed, AND feel sorry for some scumbag Antifa Rapper who probably deserved to be stabbed anyway!!!!……….

What?…… Fuck that!



………. and not because a party member allegedly stabbed this Antifa arsehole to death, but because the Golden Dawn stands for what is right!

From: The Irish Times

Thousands of people took to the streets in dozens of cities across Greece yesterday evening, in protest at the fatal stabbing the previous night of a well-known anti-fascist hip-hop artist by a member of a neo-Nazi party. The incident sparked condemnation across the country’s fractured political spectrum.

Police fired tear gas and deployed water canon after some protesters set dumpsters on fire and started hurling things at police lines, in angry scenes reminiscent of the rioting after the police shooting of a teenager in 2008. Police said they made 23 arrests and detained 42.

Pavlos Fyssas (34) suffered two fatal knife wounds to the chest as he was being chased, around midnight, by a large group of men, many wearing black sweatshirts and camouflage combats, in a working-class district of Piraeus.

Police said Fyssas managed to identify his attacker as he was being taken to hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.

Fyssas’s alleged assailant (45) was arrested by police, who said that during questioning he confessed to the stabbing and confirmed he was a member of Golden Dawn, a fascist party that last year won 18 seats in the 300-member parliament.

Blaming the death on “fascists”, Panagiotis Papanikolaou, the head of neurosurgery at the hospital, said that “for three years, they have trained on the bodies of migrants, who were bought here wounded and blaming the attacks on that group”.

Escalation of attacks
However, recently Golden Dawn stepped up its rhetorical and physical attacks. Last week, a large group of Golden Dawn members attacked and hospitalised nine members of the Communist Party in another Athens working-class district as they erected posters for a youth festival.

Read More: http://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/killing-of-rap-artist-sparks-protests-in-dozens-of-greek-cities-1.1532354

Police Raid Golden Dawn Office in Athens……….

ATHENS — The police raided the offices of Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn Party on Wednesday, and government officials scrambled for ways to clamp down on the group after thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in several Greek cities to protest the killing of an antifascist activist that the police attributed to a Golden Dawn sympathizer.

In the most serious violence attributed to Golden Dawn since it gained power in Greece’s Parliament last year, a man who the police said admitted to being in the party was arrested after the fatal stabbing in an Athens suburb early on Wednesday of Pavlos Fyssas, 34, a leftist hip-hop singer who spoke out against the group.

Mr. Fyssas, who used the stage name Killah P., was stabbed early Wednesday, just after midnight, as he left a cafe after watching a soccer match on television with friends. The police told the Greek news media that they received a phone call reporting that around 50 people with clubs were headed toward the cafe, and that officers who arrived on the scene saw two men fighting. The police said the suspect, identified as a 45-year old man, confessed to the killing. Mr. Fyssas’s funeral is scheduled for Thursday.

A spokesman for Golden Dawn, Ilias Kasidiaris, told Parliament on Wednesday that the group was not involved. But leaders in Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’s fragile government coalition signaled that they would tighten legal restrictions in an effort to curb the party.

Golden Dawn’s popularity has climbed in political polls especially among a growing number of Greeks who are increasingly angered by record joblessness, a steady flow of immigrants into the country and the less-than-successful struggle by mainstream parties to mend the effects of a devastating recession. But backlashes have also been mounting against Golden Dawn in recent months. Last week, thousands of Greeks protested in Athens after about 50 Golden Dawn members, wielding bats and crowbars, attacked members of the Communist Party as they hung posters for a youth festival in an Athens suburb, leaving nine people hospitalized with serious injuries. On Wednesday, those protesting Mr. Fyssas’s killing joined thousands of other Greeks who had already been marching to protest a restructuring of Greece’s education system.

Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/19/world/europe/police-raid-golden-dawn-office-in-athens-after-a-killing.html?_r=1&

More Important Link: http://www.dailystormer.com/police-raid-golden-dawn-office-in-athens-after-the-killing-of-leftist-rapper/

– BDL1983