From Hardon’s Blog (commentary by John, not me)
Most of you may have seen ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ (Completed full version). This is a Bonus feature which portrays the Jewish Marxist infiltration of filth and pornography throughout pre-National Socialist Germany and particularly in Berlin. J.H.
In this 15 minute Special Bonus Feature learn about how in 1933, Adolf Hitler was a man of high morals and proved it by cleaning up the depraved streets of the Marxist cesspit otherwise known as Berlin.
Does all this look familiar? Look around you, you have a two tier society, the poor and the ultra rich (the Jew is destroying the ‘middle class’), you have homosexuality and all kinds of perversions becoming the acceptable ‘norm’. On top of that we have ‘Miscegenation’ and the mass influx of alien people and cultures imported by the Jew to further destroy the indigenous race.
How inspiring that in 1926 the Nationalist Resistance amounted to two hundred dedicated men whereas the Jewish Marxist controlled scum numbered over 250,000, then Hitler and National Socialism against all the odds gained power with the full support of the majority of the indigenous German people. This was a victory beyond belief, the Jew and his Marxist foot soldiers were told to get out of Germany and those that didn’t were not slaughtered or gassed, they were imprisoned and made to work although they were well looked after (contrary to Jewish lies).
Adolf Hitler should inspire us all. National Socialism is the ONLY answer to the parasite that infests ALL our Aryan lands. Greet your Aryan brothers with the NS salute, why should you be ashamed of who and what you are?
The only way the existence of our race and a future for white children can be assured is by embracing National Socialism.
Hail Victory
John Hardon