To anyone who still reads this site- Happy Easter!

When every Easter rolls by I always like to take a few hours here and there and just think deeply about the state of affairs we find ourselves in- how that relates to our collective relationship with God, and what is our job going forward to best serve God?
God Is In Control.
I guess we should start out with the good news: God is in control of everything, even if it doesn’t seem like it. This global ‘virus regime’ that we are all living under is a punishment from God. We, as a collective White Adamic Race, have strayed a long way from our God, embracing all this meaningless jewish materialism and endless hedonism. Why should God protect us if we (the collective) refuse to embrace Him and His ways, and instead, willingly head to the slaughter at the behest of satan’s people, the jews?
Yes. God is in control and the story does have a good outcome (read this if you don’t know what I’m talking about), but that just as certainly doesn’t mean we can sit back and ignore God’s Will because it’s all a forgone conclusion. No, absolutely not. Every Adamic person on earth has, at the very least, some ability to contribute something to help better our races’ predicament. I understand that the vast majority of people are mostly blind to what’s going on, and we shouldn’t blame them for that, no matter how frustrating it can be at times; so what are we to do, those of us who can see through the bullshit and desire to serve God’s Will?
Life Is a Test.
When our physical bodies die, existence as we know it ceases. We leave this mortal earthly realm and enter God’s Kingdom. What we do with our God given abilities during our time on earth is what God will use to judge us all with. Do you want to enter God’s Kingdom and receive great rewards because you did your best to serve Him while you were here, or do you want spend eternity in contempt because you chose to waste your talents? Those are the choices that we face.
So, What do we do on a Personal Level?
This is something I honestly wish I had a better answer to. Sometimes I have doubts about what I’m doing to serve God. Is it good enough? Am I maximizing my potential?
What I am doing is telling the truth in written form as well as I can on this site, whilst doing the best I can to plant the seeds of truth in people in real life via person to person interaction. I don’t believe we should ever underestimate the positive effect you can have on people by simply getting on their level and dropping a few truth nuggets to make them question the jew system. This all adds up to an increase in dissent against the system, and whether the person knows it or not, they will become increasingly enamored with our worldview.
I’m not really sure what else there is I can do about this awful Virus Planet State of Affairs, or what any other lone person could do. I’m not really interested in the political nonsense because I know for a fact that the solutions do not lie there.
I pray to Yahweh that He may show me a better way or a new direction to help me fulfill my potential, if need be; otherwise I shall keep doing what I’m doing- keeping true to myself, and standing defiant against the system until my final breath.
Never Surrender.
Stand With Christ, For He Is Risen!!

Happy Easter.
-ETP Admin.