Well, here we are- one full year of all this coronavirus lockdown bullshit, with all its varying degrees of restrictions and relaxations, then re-tightening and repeating the process forever. It’s getting pretty damn exhausting, because not only have we known since this time last year that the virus isn’t dangerous, but they just keep droning on and on about it. It’s actually amazing that they can still talk about this non-existent virus as though it’s a serious concern and the only solution is for every person on planet earth to get injected with a strange potion– then voila- back to normal, but not really…
Has anyone learnt anything from the last year? No doubt some people have, but on the whole the majority of the worlds population have been remarkably complicit with the agenda. One thing that I’ve learnt is that you don’t have to up the hysteria to make the virus seem more dangerous as time drags on. I thought after 6-8 weeks they’d have to somehow pretend that the virus was more deadly than first expected or that there was a new virus on the loose- otherwise the people would catch on that it’s a load of bullshit. But no. They didn’t even bother rolling out the “new strain/variant” bullshit until early this year or late last year, whenever it was.
The general tone of all this crap currently is just vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. Which, by the way, you can sing “vaccine, vaccine, vaccine” just like Dolly Parton if you want lol:
So yeah, here in Australia all we ever hear about is the stupid vaccines, which of course are NOT VACCINES AT ALL, but experimental gene therapies, as many doctors on those banned videos have explained. Then we hear the case updates, never deaths because no one ever dies of this thing. “Zero new cases in blah blah state, zero, zero, two in some state, both overseas arrivals staying in medi-hotel quarantine“. It’s the same news every single night with the media waiting with baited breath for an “outbreak” from one of these hotels, then the state premier can launch into action and lock the whole damn state down over one case. With the new variant bullshit they can now say “yeah, look it’s a super-contagious strain this one, we better do another lockdown, go buy your bog rolls and all that shit, you all know the drill by now“. And then, after the 5 or 6 day “circuit-breaker” and untold amounts of wasted fresh produce from businesses and money flushed down the toilet, the relevant state premier is usually credited with heroically stopping the super-contagion, because as we all know super-contagions never spread if you do the lockdown drill correctly! This entails all people panicking and hurrying into their local supermarkets to buy heaps of shit and all touch the same things and breathe the same air. You can all cluster together before the lockdown kicks-off because the super-contagion understands that it’s not fair to infect people before the game starts! It would be like tackling the opposition before the bloody ball has been bounced- you can’t do that! As soon as the midnight hour hits, however, and everyone’s locked in their homes- i t e m e r g e s . . . .
A h h h h h h h h h,
s t a y h o m e ,
s t a y s a f e L o L
Anyway, just a bit of a rant today…
We are definitely on a Something To Somewhere:
-ETP Admin.