The Eternal Struggle To Care…

This is what will happen to you if you get the COVID vaccination. Let this be a warning.

One of the biggest struggles I have with modern society and the current state of world affairs is finding the personal motivation to care. In order to care, YOU have to perceive that YOUR PERSONAL EFFORTS to fight the good fight are not being done in vain. It’s quite the dilemma when you know what you’re up against, trust me. Therein lies the paradox- YOU HAVE TO CARE because you live in the world and are forced to deal with whatever state of affairs you are presented with, BUT the society you are supposed to care about offers little to nothing of value, especially as a single white man, and so you tend to withdraw for the most part. I’m generally OK with that because I have very little interest in the trivial bullshit most people concern themselves with. My life focus is primarily fixated on looking after my own personal situation as best I can- only worry about the things you can control– right? This entails as little reliance on the system as possible.

Does this sound familiar?

My guess would be that an ever increasing number of single white men would be looking at things this way.

No matter what though, we still all have our own small parts to play (caring), however we choose to try and push the narrative of truth, by speaking to people, by writing things, or whatever other deeds you can think of that may serve that purpose.

It can be a bit of a motivation killer when you know that everything that comes out of the TV is a lie, but most peoples’ opinions are still shaped by it…

We must rise.

-ETP Admin.

2 thoughts on “The Eternal Struggle To Care…”

  1. “One of the biggest struggles I have with modern society and the current state of world affairs is finding the personal motivation to care.”

    Damn, this is so relatable! The average person has become such an irredeemable garbage fire that at times it really doesn’t seem worth the effort of trying to help them.

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