ORIGINALLY POSTED 25 Jan 2016 (deleted by wordpress jews)
I’m going to explain a few things here in relatively simple terms, so anyone who is confused or wondering what motivates me can refer to this article.
What Sort Of Society Do I Want To Live In?
I want to live in a society among my own kind, meaning my own race. I do not want to live among those of other races because they are not of my blood and do not share a common world view and basic morality with my race – the White Aryan race. Different breeds (races) of humans are different, and for that reason alone it should make sense to anyone with a thinking brain to keep them separate. Now, despite the fact that there are plenty of arsehole Whites around the place, I’d still a million times over prefer to live with them than non-whites. As for all the Whites who’s natural sense of morality has been led astray, well they need to be re-educated to adhere to proper Christian principles.
Essentially I’d like to live in a White nation which operates on a basic code of Christian morality, similar to what we saw in National Socialist Germany. There’s nothing devious or tricky about any of this. It is what it is.
Am I an “Extremist”?
It is not “extreme” to want to live in a White nation with Christian morality. It is a perfectly rational desire for any White person who wants their race and themselves to have a decent future. What is extreme though, is this Jewish agenda to try and force all the non-whites and their foreign belief systems into any White living space, anywhere on earth! That is fucking nuts, pardon my French! So, no, I am not an “extremist” by any stretch. If you want “extremism”, then look no further than the current day Jewish-run political establishment in the west!
Why Won’t I accept Jews, Moslems, Blacks And Other Assorted Mixed-Breeds?
Pretty simple folks – the answer here is that these people (non-whites in general) are trouble makers. People don’t like to hear it, but it’s true and it needs to be said. Follow the historical path of civilization and observe the pattern: White Aryans create the civilization and it flourishes. Then the Jews worm their way in and corrupt everything. Next, they start bringing in other non-whites as slave labour. Finally, we are left with a racially mixed decaying civilization. Hitler explains this in Mein Kampf and it’s true, whether fashionable to say so or not! (it will be fashionable a few years down the track, trust me!) So when I am presented with the options of a White racially pure society or a racially mixed, Jew and negro loving society, which one do you think I’d choose?

Do I Have An Irrational Hatred Of Non-Whites?
Absolutely not. I have never been that sort of person. What I do have though, is a perfectly rational hatred for a lot of these people, not because I’m some sort of horrible monster, but because their actions warrant it! They have throughout history caused the downfall of my race’s civilizations, yet I’m supposed to love them all and welcome them in with open arms? People always talk about “learning from history” and if they were serious about it they’d pay attention to my reasoning above.
I Just Can’t Be Bothered With All The Bullshit That Comes Along With A Multicultural (Multiracial) Society
Racial Nationalism is natural. A race or breed should have it’s own territory. You respect the boundaries of your lands, and others should do the same with theirs. If not, you crush the wrong-doer. It’s that simple (in theory anyway).
Multicultural (multiracial) societies run by Jews always turn into Marxist cesspits of competing ethnic groups. This is no good because what it means is the most productive group (Whites) must carry all the useless groups (mostly non-Whites) via taxation and the welfare system until we can’t support it any longer and the society crumbles. Why would I want that?
Anyway, I don’t have any particular feelings of ill-will toward the other races. They can go and do whatever they feel like in their own lands, but not in mine! I just don’t want to live with them or have anything to do with them! Why is that so hard for people to understand?
Feelings About Fags
Faggotry is outside the boundaries of any healthy White Christian society. I do not want their disgusting degeneracy to have any place in my society. I do not uphold the Jewish idea of “freedom” which means anyone anywhere can just do whatever they want, including the dick up bum hole act. This sort of degeneracy all fuels the fire which destroys White society, and that is why I oppose it! A society must have standards if it is to survive!
More About Feelings
I just don’t care about the plight of non-whites. Be they Jews, Arabs, Negroes, Asiatics, or some other exotic mixture, I just don’t care. Never have, never will. I always think “well why would you involve yourself in someone else’s problems?” No, that’s for them in Arab-land or negro-land to figure out. It’s not my business, I don’t care, so they can go cry to someone else about their “oppression”. I won’t bother them if they don’t bother me. It’s pretty simple.
Just to reinforce the point:
I’d like to live in a White nation which operates on a basic code of Christian morality. The best example we have is what we saw in National Socialist Germany:

None of this stuff is hard to understand, nor is it overly complex.
-ETP Admin.
Ive been a National Socialist since I was 20. Most of the younger generation know about the Jews thanks to the internet however not a lot we can do because America controls the world and is currently 44% brown people, and counting.