Just a little reminder to all White men – If you want your women in the future to look like this:

Then do nothing.
Otherwise, do everything you can for the 14 words! We must preserve our race or the future looks pretty damn ugly…….
The Polish girl is my favourite, just for the record… But only just……. The Muslims are absolute stunners!! Hahaha!!
– BDL1983
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This has got to be one of my favourite posts of yours 😉
They’re all good, though I say Germany, Iceland #1 and Italia (*not in that order necessarily)….. Followed closely by that second last dark thing hahahahaha
Hahhahaaha alright! Well I happen to love them all! They are all absolutely beautiful, but Miss Poland is my pick for some reason… Maybe it’s that slightly cheeky look on her face.. Mind you, Miss Ireland also has that look….. Ah, god, I can’t pick anymore now that you mention it…. Iceland is sensational too! 14/88 for obvious reasons eh!
European women belong to European men. It is up to us to drive away the non-white hordes to protect our genetic future. We need to re establish patriarchal societies and take control of things.
Why all this pornographic imagery?
We’re not a bunch of Pandas needing to be bribed into reproducing.
We’re Aryans. We live off God’s Holy Ideals.
We shouldn’t need this sort to crass impulse-driven nonsense to convince us that having Aryan wives is a good idea. That’s how Jewish porno-directors think: “Coming soon to a theater near you!”
Porn is a sterilant, it should have no place on a National Socialist inspired website.
You can do better White Man.
Pornographic? What? These pictures are not pornographic. Does it hurt your eyes or something? I don’t get it.
Admiring beautiful women is very different to a Jew shoving a camera between a girls legs…..
What is this, a meat-market? This sort of fetishization is pornographic.
Are you that deprived of White women in your day-to-day life that you need reminders posted on here?
Yeah, this does remind me of impotent Pandas in a Chinese zoo being propped up on Panda-porn.
It’s not really pornography in the sense of today, The fact is , He is presenting the reality of beautiful white women, In a ideal society you would not want women walking around exposing themselves as sexual objects, The more modest a women is the more she is respected. Years ago this type of imagery may be considered pornographic, I’m not so sure of today, I Wouldnt like my daughter walking around with her cleavage exposed, If you have a healthy society women will dress modest and will be more more respected by everyone. I do not really consider these images to be highly sexual.
But there is a need for a women not to be seen as sexually appealing, Once the idea starts to show a little skin it will lead to showing more skin, The jew gets the ball rolling, then we help roll it and destroy the fabric of our society. Take for example todays preteens , even toddlers wearing sexually provocative clothing showing to much skin only feeds into pedophilia. Tv shows like Toddlers in tiaras are clear examples of this.Take a look around at preteens wearing skimpy clothing and you will see old men gawking at them.
I do think having big cleavage and having the need to expose them may show self eestem issues, This type of skin is a way of a man thinking about her sexually rather then as a unique individual who’s real beauty is in the inside.
Yeah man, I get what you’re saying. The problem is that people get so fucking uptight about things like this. I sure the guy complaining about this “pornography” would still enjoy looking at women in bikinis at the beach. This is the type of shit we’re dealing with here. Any normal man with red blood finds beautiful women aesthetically pleasing. It’s hard to imagine anyone dropping their trousers and wacking it off to these pictures, which of course is what men usually do when viewing actual porn! I don’t promote looking at porn because it’s pretty fucking degrading for all involved. You know what I mean.
Ahwell , Remember its just the interwebs it doesnt matter if someone is upset, We dont always practice what we preach either but atleast we should strive for it. These images are just a mix of pretty much normal pictures and model shots, I personally am not offended lol, I’m not a jewess, What I was refering to wasn’t these images but the subject of promiscuity. Taking it a step further at a time like the jews have done. It started with a low skirt and as time went on it went higher and higher and sometimes chicks will even have butt cheeks exposed, Although I myself ofcourse as a man enjoy the sight but I know we must strive for higher morals , and I understand this type of thing is projected onto us by alien influences.
Even myself I watch,look,do things sometimes that I know is degenerate it’s hard for all us to resist these temptations especially when the hooks have there influence everywhere. But at the same time I realize and remember to keep these things at bay , These types of things can be a slippery slope.
The beauty of nordic-man with pristine blue eyes
And naturally blonde hair is incomprehensible to the
Jew by nature. ( to quote directly from the eternal jew,
The most godforsaken film( and only truly honest film
Ever made documenting jews) likewise the beauty of
Nordic women. I once knew a german man that was so
Naturally blonde, even in adulthood, that his hair was naturally
White, can you believe that? What a super-aryan he was indeed.
– Trent.
The sweetest thing on earth is a nice white women, the jews might declare full blooded negroes as the most beautiful but reality is different, Everyone knows white girls are the best looking. the negro women is one of the ugliest of all races, All have the same nappy hair, flat noses,big lips,same head structure,brown eyes, The white race is more diverse due to the fact we have subgroups (and other factors). Different colour hair,Different style noses, Different head structures,Different eye colours, Different facial depths. More appealing and diverse personalities.There is no race like us on earth. Not to mention negro women are more manly in their mannerism and behavior then white women. The negro women is basically the opposite of a white women.
White people rock, Look at all the amazing people they are all white, And its funny that someone points at a single black/biracial person and somehow this single individual means somehow the majority of blacks are our equals , Yeah right! Even Obama is half white, So technically you cant say he is black On the exterior yes, But internally he has some white intelligence and with the help of the jews enabled him to become President.
Rescuing Women from the WormTongue of the jew.