A Couple of Radio Shows Well-Worth the Listen:

First up, John Friend’s interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom. This man knows his stuff regarding the whole issue of ‘Global Warming‘, or ‘Climate Change‘ (Climate Change is what the so-called experts label it, when unsure if temperatures are going up or down).


The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), is a branch of the United Nations, and therefore a political organisation. The UN and the Oil companies are controlled by Jews. Since Kikes are pushing BOTH sides of this agenda, then obviously one side must be wrong. The way you tell is by the evidence and the labelling of the nay-sayers. On the Al Gore, TV, UN side, there is no evidence other than fearmongering propaganda. On the other side, there is a mountain of evidence suggesting that the man-made CO2, ‘Global Warming’ theory is a load of bullshit, and the epithet of ‘Climate Change DENIER‘ being thrown at those who doubt the UN’s bogus claims!

Holocaust = Hoax, therefore ‘Holocaust Denier’ is the smear term used against those who question.

Climate Change = Hoax, therefore ‘Climate Change Denier’ is the smear term used against those who question.

You do the mathematics.

It’s purpose is to sell the idea that humans are destroying the planet by pumping too much life-giving CO2 into the atmosphere, and catastrophically warming things up. It is just a guilt-trip used on ‘White’ countries to con us into paying ‘carbon’ taxes, where they can go, “Look, too much of a carbon footprint here, let’s cut back on resource use in the WHITE countries, because Whitey ‘pollutes’ too much, then pretend to use our carbon offsets to help starving Africans”. All the while, Mr. Jew just pockets the money anyway, because all the ‘developing’ countries are already in huge debt! Mr. Jew only wants to use this issue to lower our White living standards, as he simultaneously ‘multiculturalises’ us!

White Nationalists: Pay Attention, this is the TRUTH!

Older article about Jew Climate scam

Also, listen to this show with Kyle Hunt interviewing Thomas Goodrich. It’s all about the disgusting Jew-led WAR CRIMES against Germany; mass rape, murder, torture etc….. Truly horrible stuff that SHOULD BE COMMON KNOWLEDGE AMONGST EVERYONE! It is a very significant event in our history, illustrating what these filthy, disgusting, fucking kikes have done to our race….. (and are perfectly capable of repeating, if given the chance)

Older article about what the filthy Jews did to the Germans

That’s all.

– Brett