This article by Sven Longshanks tells you all you need to know about the EU. Bare in mind when reading it that the EU is only a part of the United Nations apparatus for the subjugation and destruction of the White Race. The Jews have always ran the UN with their coloured lackeys helping them out. Logically it follows from there that any country who is in bed with the UN is taking its marching orders from the Jews. Pretty simple really.
Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2014
From the beginning, the EU has been a Jewish operation. It has two main goals:
1. To destroy every one of the different European Nation States by consuming all of them under the non-ethnic specific name ‘European’, while at the same time consolidating Jewish power at the top ruling over everyone.
2. To physically destroy all the different White ethnicities through forced integration and miscegenation with the Non-White hordes of Asia and Africa.
These deliberate goals can be ascertained from the writings of the ‘founding fathers’ of the EU and have continued to this day, constantly being hidden with various ploys of distraction by the Jewish subversives involved in it.
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi is seen by many as the father of the EU, having laid the groundwork for the plot.
Just like the Jews that he idolized, he was a mongrel himself, being born of a Japanese mother and a mixed European father. His book, Practical Idealism talks of a plan to “turn the European into a mixed race of Asians and Negroes ruled over by the Jews.”
Kalergi-Coudenhove started the 1922 Pan-European movement to achieve this diabolical plan with the help of the B’nai Brith, a Jewish Supremacist international support group and criminal cult. His book was never very widely circulated and it appears that it was never fully translated into English (the original German version can be downloaded here.)
In the preface to the 1932 edition, Kalergi expanded on his mongrelization plan and included a clear call to genocide the White race in Europe:
Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race … similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples … Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, will against its own will … turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros … through this artificial selection process.
His honored status within the EU system today can still be seen in the Coudenhove Kalergi Prize, which is given to heads of state in the EU for furthering the real aims of the EU contained within his book. Recent recipients of the prize have included Herman Van Rompuy and Angela Merkel. Prizes like this are often given out by the Jews to encourage competition among their servants in carrying out their genocidal agenda against the White race.

Proud citizen of a bastardized anti-nation built on the genocide of the last remaining White nations of the world.
Jean Monnet (1888-1979)
Jean Monnet was the chief architect of the EU. He was born into a family of Jewish merchants and spent his early life travelling between countries in Europe, helping his Jew brethren, fuelled by a hatred of Europeans, specifically Germans. As an adult he devoted his life to promoting the idea of a federated Europe with the goal of eliminating all borders and all distinct ethnicities (with the exception of the Jews of course).
He was not shy of referring to himself as an ‘Internationalist’ and would pretend that his loyalty was to all mankind, rather than to his specific tribe, yet everything he did advanced their interests over everyone else’s.
Monnet and the rest of the Internationalist Jews were putting the legislation in place that would lead to their supremacist dream as far back as 1940. They worked on various future Heads of State in order to achieve their goal, pressurizing them into accepting the idea of a Europe-wide super state, a method still followed today in the universities, where promising students are indoctrinated with pro-EU sentiments, so as when they get to positions of influence they all pursue the same sick policies.
Karl Wolfgang Deutsch (1912-1992)
Karl Wolfgang Deutsch was born in Prague to Jewish parents, the name ‘Deutsch’ being a sickening insult to the true Deutsch people. He was brought up to hate Germans by his mother, who was well known for her anti-German activities in the Parliament and her hatred of the National Socialists.
He was banned from university for his anti-German activities and later in life played a part in the formation of the UN at the San Francisco conference in 1945. Deutsch was entrusted with a large role in the manipulation of students opinions, thanks to his position as President of various ‘Political Science’ associations; hatred of Nationalism was a main theme in his teachings.
Altiero Spinelli (1907-1986)
Altiero Spinelli is another founding father of the EU. He was a member of the Italian Communist Party and wrote the Ventotene Manifesto with Ernesto Rossi, which advocates a federated Europe as a means to prevent Germany from gaining power. The Manifesto was ostensibly about preventing war, but was really about restricting the ability of the European nations to fight back against the supranational Jewish power that was to take over the continent.
Spinelli’s Communist agenda is carried on today through the Spinelli Group, which is a network of subversives led by Jews like the pedophila-promoter Daniel Cohen-Bendit and Belgium’s Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt.
David Mitrany (1888-1975)
David Mitrany is a supposed leading scholar in political theory and is responsible for giving false explanations to academia as to why the EU continues to grow, despite constant opposition from the member states. His speciality was ‘Functionalism,’ a school of thought which promotes the concept of having internationalist agencies rule over nation-states.
Ernst Bernard Haas (1924-2003)
Ernst Bernard Haas came up with ‘Neofunctionalism’, where Nation States solve conflicts of interest by giving even more authority to minority groups and Internationalist agencies.
He believed in undermining all Nation States for the purposes of then controlling them:
The one theme that sort of underlies everything I’ve done… is the conditions under which the state as we understand it disappears, disintegrates, weakens, changes.
These people have controlled the EU debate from the beginning, offering false and often outright nonsensical economic explanations as to why the EU was formed, alongside promises of preventing war between the European nations that joined it.
With the aid of their Jewish lobbying groups, they have bullied and bribed statesmen into complying with them and indoctrinated students with their lies through their control of all the leading posts in the universities. All of the EU academia is controlled by Jews like these, following the ideas outlined in ‘Practical Idealism’ with the end goal being the Jews ruling over a mongrelized and weakened servant race, stripped of the ability to unite and fight back.

Due to the way the EU has been set up, the European Jewish Parliament has more control over the countries of Europe than their own nations do.
Through their aggressive self-promotion and united front against dissent, these Jews have managed to control the discourse in the universities entirely. They create the ‘leading scholars’ themselves and then ensure that the future leaders in the EU are all taught by them and adhere to their false premise of why the EU was set up and what it is supposed to achieve.
No discussion is allowed that does not conform to the pre-arranged ideas that the scholars pass down to their students. They dictate the questions that are allowed to be asked and they also dictate the answers.
The EU was intentionally set up to give minority groups and supranational organizations excessive influence on the management of nations. This was promoted as being a way to prevent wars between the member states and persecution of minorities, but what it has meant is that groups like the European Jewish Parliament and the European Jewish Congress have more influence over the law-making apparatus than the countries themselves. It was designed from the beginning to prevent there being any accountability, just like their prototype for it – communism – which also involved the collectivisation of industry and resources under a singular state monopoly controlled by the Jews.

Despite continual opposition by the people to the EU since before it even started, politicians have continued to support it. This can only be because of the ceaseless lobbying they have received on its behalf by the Jewish ‘leading scholars’ and captains of industry who are the only people to benefit from it.
There can be only one reason why the idea of the EU has continued to be promoted, despite the people’s constant hatred of it: Jews.
Since before it even existed the Jews were promoting it and discussing ways to implement it. With their control of academia, they were able to push the false premises for it into the students minds and with their lobby groups they were able to bamboozle the statesmen. They rewarded the most zealous in the genocide with lavish awards and prizes.
Despite constant resistance the EU idea was able to cross generations as the Jews carried it forward, constantly changing the reasons given for its existence. If it were not for the Jews, the idea would never have even got off the ground, as the arguments both for and against it would have been heard and expanded on, rather than the false arguments that were put forward instead.
If the Jews had not been there in the institutions pretending to be Europeans and pretending to be wanting the best for their nations, their ideas would have been seen for what they are, nothing less than the genocide of the Jews’ only capable enemy: the White European Man.