Welcome To Adolf Hitler’s 131st Birthday!

I personally love Adolf Hitler because he was truly a divinely inspired man; all his inspiration coming from Our Lord Yahshua Christ. He was the closest any mortal man has ever been able to replicate. He shone a light directly into Satan’s nest and acted against it, and for that we will forever be grateful.

Great men will never be forgotten:

May your spirit shine on into eternity, Adolf Hitler.

-ETP Admin.

Welcome To A Completely Non-Practical Way Of Buying Beers.

This is interesting because I like beer and I’m interested in the way gold prices work relative to our essential commodities:

By the way, I want to marry that girl holding the steins. Forget what she’s holding, just look into her beautiful eyes! Oh, my love, where art thou??

-ETP Admin.

Welcome To The Alex Jones Experience, Folks!

Now, listen folks, we all know we are entering the New World Order at an express rate. Only one man can express it in such an entertaining format! Do enjoy, I know I did:

It’s inspirational seeing one man take on the Satanic Globalist Psychopathic Cabal with such a fearless sense of leadership!

Hahahaha! Love this stuff.

-ETP Admin.